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Is there any way to add character.ai system in future?

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Apr 1, 2024
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I don't want like full on complicated. The sex scene gonna be same for everyone but if your conversation is wholesome then you get wholesome but if you somehow make her into bdsm then you will get a extreme scene. This can work to threesome and more. Just a suggestion and create a decent loop and more personality to the character.
There's no saying what the future holds, young padavan.
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Most likely, with the likes of sora and dall e this future is much closer than before.
AI is only as good as the pool of data it has to base its responses off of. If you want a fun look at primitive scripting VI look up the early alpha experience of Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

Bethesda tried to automate and script intelligent pawn behavior in the game.

Long story short, the world quickly devolves into chaos. Just like AI models left to the internet and social media devolve into racist facism, the pawn VI would try to steal everything as the 'easiest way to satisfy their scheduled need'.

Pawn scheduled to go eat a meal? Steal from the market place.
Pawn caught committing a crime? Fight them to try to subdue them.
Pawn fighting? That's a crime. Trigger other pawns to fight them to subdue them.
Guard attracted to break up the fight. Guard starts fighting.
Guard is scheduled to take a meal. Steal the conveniently placed food that was being stolen.
Guard seen committing a crime? Fight the guard.
Pawn seen fighting the guards? That's a crime! Fight the pawn.
I'm not really impressed with any originality in AI so It would probably need a pretty huge dataset which I am not sure exists
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