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how much money you think someone should posess before it become indecent

  • Thread starter User_110952
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a amount? a kind of living etc
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if the money is earned through good, decent work, ♾️ ... don't know why it should have a limit.
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Depends on whether they earned it or stole it.

If you legally acquire via labor and intellect, then no amount is indecent; if you are a thief, every coin is indecent. How you use it is also up to you: you can be charitable; you can be indulgent; you can be both. My preference would be a little of both, but where people thought I was simply being indulgent because I did my charity without drawing attention to myself - that is the only true charity, everything else is paying for marketing.
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As soon as you are "allowed" to commit any crime because you can pay any penalty without really impacting your own funds.
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Money is just a mean to represent resource value, saying how much money someone should possess before it becomes "bad" is like saying how big of a house you can have or how much you should spend on your family's health, it makes no sense for it to be bad, if you earned all the building blocks to build your house then you deserve to have your house doesn't matter how big it is.

What is truly bad is what others have said, when you steal resources or receive stolen resources then you are effectively doing something bad to someone, for exemple when you receive money from the government to build a statue, even though you didn't do anything evil the money you got to do that useless task were taken away by force via taxes from someone that was going to use it for the benefit of their family or friends.
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People saying about earning through work or their own intelect, but almost no billionaire did it that way. 99% of the time the money came from inheritance or exploiting others.

As soon as you are "allowed" to commit any crime because you can pay any penalty without really impacting your own funds.
I agree. Many people uses money and/or influence to bend things to their will, including laws, so that they can do whatever they want and trample through whomever they want.
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People saying about earning through work or their own intelect, but almost no billionaire did it that way. 99% of the time the money came from inheritance or exploiting others.

I agree. Many people uses money and/or influence to bend things to their will, including laws, so that they can do whatever they want and trample through whomever they want.
There are many billionaires that didn't start out as billionaires via inheritance - including the one currently at the top of the heap, Musk, so your statistics are simply a lie. Exploiting can be negative or positive - you exploit an idea, you fund someone's idea, you work with others to progress joint ideas. As for inheritance, do you think that money should be redistributed to people unrelated to the person - they did nothing to earn or deserve it - or, worse, give it to a government that will squander it and use it in the most ineffective way and line the pockets of politicians?

Yours is an argument of jealousy - you didn't get an inheritance and you haven't had an idea or been able to invest in a way that has made you wealthy, so, fuck it, be a Marxist and eat the rich. That's a lousy way to maintain a productive society: ask the Soviet Union, China and North Korea - oh, wait, you can't ask anyone in those last two because their governments will disappear them if they show any open dissent.
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I've always believed there should be a "maximum wage." Very very few people are born into a world where minor wealth is *ever* a possibility, and that's just not right. Our goal as a society should be to get past the point of poverty for anyone.
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I guess facts make you laugh? Bless your heart!
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I'm not sure why I should care how much someone has. As long as they didn't harm anyone to get it, fair is fair. And I don't consider "they didn't really earn it" or "it could have been used to help other people" a form of harm.
I'm glad you said indecent and not any other word. There's plenty of perfectly legal things that are totally not decent.

Speaking personally, it's not about the dollar amount. It about what you have. Everyone should (emphasis on should) have:
-A paid for home, or enough money for rent for life if don't want home responsibilities i.e. no end of month fear.
-Enough in the bank to pay for food, water, clothing, medicine, etc...
-The ability to stay at home if you don't want to work.

More than that, you don't need it. I'm ok with a cheap beer. I don't need a Romanée-Conti 1945.

Is that feasible? No. No it's not. But that's where my line would be.

If that makes me an idiot, irresponsible, unreasonable, or any other bad word... I wear those words with pride.
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Why are you even asking this question ?? Is it because you are jealous??
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No limit. You earn it, you deserve it.
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The more money you have, the more financial fuckery you can engage in to get EVEN MORE MONEY. :mad:

When your money allows you to wield outsized influence through "campaign contributions" and "dark money" and such, you have too fucking much money. :mad:

When your money ensures none of your descendants will ever have to work a day in their lives (unless they squander their inheritance) you have too fucking much money. :mad:

Related: when your money enables you to basically become an aristocrat class and oppress the rest of us to keep and maintain your privileges, you have too fucking much money. :mad:

Also, people with more money tend to consume far more than their share of resources. Think multiple cars, multiple houses (mansions, which are more house than anyone needs), multiple yachts (more boat than anyone needs), private jets and helicopters, and the list goes on. :mad:

All you richie-rich lovers seem to think your ship is about to come in and you'll be on easy street. Well guess what, the rich got theirs and in countless cases, they pulled up the ladders to keep the little people like you and I from being able to join them. :sneaky:

And don't forget the role that luck plays in whether or not you get rich. Connections are probably even better than luck. Plenty of people with good ideas have ended up in the poor house because they didn't get the right opportunities, or didn't know the right people. :unsure:

Plenty of mediocre dipshits are lording it over you right now because they got lucky, or they knew somebody who can help them out. And of course, already being rich (or being born to rich parents) is a fantastic way to get to know the right people. :mad:

Also consider the fact that capitalism as it is currently structured depends upon constant growth. We do not have infinite resources or space to fuel such growth. Capitalism is inherently unsustainable and eventually leads to overconsumption and collapse. Greed will kill us all. But go ahead, enable tyrants like Trump, Putin and Le Pen. I'm getting tired of living anyway. I just wish everyone else weren't coming with me. :cry:
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You cannot earn a amount of billions trough "decent" work. Overall I would say the system is the problem more then certain rich people, it propagates all this "more more more", no one needs a fucking billion to live, hell, no one need 100 million... tho, if no one in the world would starve anymore and everyone had decent acess to some proper housing ect, then I wouldn't care much if some have massive amounts... but yeah, as long as people starve to death I think billionaires shouldnt exist.

All you richie-rich lovers seem to think your ship is about to come in and you'll be on easy street. Well guess what, the rich got theirs and in countless cases, they pulled up the ladders to keep the little people like you and I from being able to join them. :sneaky:
Those are everywhere, but it is especially a very american illness that people think "ah well, I could be rich one day", while living paycheck to paycheck, so they fight against things that could actually make their lives better on the one in 10 million chance that they get lucky... :D
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You cannot earn a amount of billions trough "decent" work. Overall I would say the system is the problem more then certain rich people, it propagates all this "more more more", no one needs a fucking billion to live, hell, no one need 100 million... tho, if no one in the world would starve anymore and everyone had decent acess to some proper housing ect, then I wouldn't care much if some have massive amounts... but yeah, as long as people starve to death I think billionaires shouldnt exist.

Those are everywhere, but it is especially a very american illness that people think "ah well, I could be rich one day", while living paycheck to paycheck, so they fight against things that could actually make their lives better on the one in 10 million chance that they get lucky... :D
It's not a billionare's fault people are unhoused or hungry. They're an easy target, but rarely the problem.
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Euuuuuuugh.... I should go to bed. Go to bed. Go to bed.... But this thread is calling me....

As soon as you are "allowed" to commit any crime because you can pay any penalty without really impacting your own funds.

I agree 100%. If a punishment for a crime is a fine, then society is simply saying "this thing is legal for a certain price".

There are many billionaires that didn't start out as billionaires via inheritance - including the one currently at the top of the heap, Musk, so your statistics are simply a lie. Exploiting can be negative or positive - you exploit an idea, you fund someone's idea, you work with others to progress joint ideas. As for inheritance, do you think that money should be redistributed to people unrelated to the person - they did nothing to earn or deserve it - or, worse, give it to a government that will squander it and use it in the most ineffective way and line the pockets of politicians?

Yours is an argument of jealousy - you didn't get an inheritance and you haven't had an idea or been able to invest in a way that has made you wealthy, so, fuck it, be a Marxist and eat the rich. That's a lousy way to maintain a productive society: ask the Soviet Union, China and North Korea - oh, wait, you can't ask anyone in those last two because their governments will disappear them if they show any open dissent.

Firstly. Why is your message so angry? Genuinely curious. I didn't really want to call you out, but yours is the angriest message in this entire thread. The post you're replying to isn't angry, but you act like you've taken personal afront here? Just curious what gets you so passionate.
Secondly. Musk grew up affluent - it's not like he started from dirt-poor and worked his way up. So he's not really a great example.
Thirdly. If you're going to show us examples of where Socialism hasn't worked (we can debate defining Socialism/Communism/Maxism later), we can also look at the countries where Capitalism doesn't work... Such as... All of the rest...

You cannot earn a amount of billions trough "decent" work. Overall I would say the system is the problem more then certain rich people, it propagates all this "more more more", no one needs a fucking billion to live, hell, no one need 100 million... tho, if no one in the world would starve anymore and everyone had decent acess to some proper housing ect, then I wouldn't care much if some have massive amounts... but yeah, as long as people starve to death I think billionaires shouldnt exist.

I 100% agree. There is no way the system can work without funneling more money towards the rich. As soon as you own capital, you amass more and more capital. Apart from taking some absolute crazy mistep, as soon as someone is "set for life" they will continue to fill with more and more wealth. The Rich/Poor divide only gets wider.

It's not a billionare's fault people are unhoused or hungry. They're an easy target, but rarely the problem.
Edit: Adding this quote from @idontdreamwhenisleep69 after I've posted. Because... Well... It kind of IS their fault? Maybe not 100% their fault, because nothing is ever 100% the fault of anything - the world doesn't work in absolutes. But they contribute massively to the issue. If the wealth is in their pockets, when people around them suffer, does that not raise a moral question? When governments or healthcare is going bankrupt or raising prices... Does that not raise a moral question? When they're buying up homes, because they can afford homes, and other people are unhoused? Does that not raise a moral question? When they spend thousands on a single meal, when other people starve, does that not raise a moral question?
And, if I trust you, if I say "Okay idontdreamwhenisleep69, maybe they're not the problem..." What would you tell me IS the problem?

My Answer?
So I've seen a lot of people here saying what people should and shouldn't be "allowed" to have. That wasn't the initial question. The question is when does it become indecent to have a certain amount of wealth. As much as I would love to eat the rich and tax the fuck out of them. That's not the question. What do I think is indecent? Now that's interesting, because there's a moral component there. And I think as soon as you're just amassing wealth which isn't changing your life, it's indecent. As soon as you have more money than you know what to do with, it's indecent. When we live in a world where people starve, where people are homeless, where people go without education, where people suffer just in their existence.... If you're making more money than you need and that money isn't funding something that helps others... That's indecent.
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Also, people with more money tend to consume far more than their share of resources. Think multiple cars, multiple houses (mansions, which are more house than anyone needs), multiple yachts (more boat than anyone needs), private jets and helicopters, and the list goes on. :mad:

Also consider the fact that capitalism as it is currently structured depends upon constant growth. We do not have infinite resources or space to fuel such growth. Capitalism is inherently unsustainable and eventually leads to overconsumption and collapse. Greed will kill us all. But go ahead, enable tyrants like Trump, Putin and Le Pen. I'm getting tired of living anyway. I just wish everyone else weren't coming with me. :cry:
When people use money to buy stuff other people will receive that money to produce it, if the rich waste their money on shit it doesn't matter because people will capitalize on that to earn money, it is not a waste or a bad thing, people having more money doesn't prevent others from having what they need, the entire supply chain of the product earns to feed their families with that money, the idea of Karl Marx that the economy works as a zero sum game is wrong, what is truly wrong is the way some rich people gain their money.

Capitalism is the core of economy itself, it determines that you can own stuff, that you can own property such as your own body, your work and your life and you can trade what you own to earn more, communists made the idea of capitalism to appear corrupted and twisted as the evil of all, much like some churchs like to blame money as evil saying you should give it to them to go to heaven, but most people that believe in that seem to get the idea of capitalism mistaken with corporativism where companies use unfair advantages to grow and destroy their competition to create monopolies and many of those advantages are only possible because of greedy governments. Don't believe what television tells you, governments use media to control the masses, i really don't understand how you got the idea that trump and le pen are tyrants, to me it seems absurd, but i will not try to convince you otherwise because to me governments are criminal organizations that just want to enslave us and all of them might as well be tyrants.
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