LewdCorner Introduction Area


Dec 21, 2022
I don't understand how put out many are. Getting cut off is a great opportunity to self assess, get outside and touch some grass
Touching grass is overrated. I go to clubs, concerts, festivals, beaches, museums; all the same, I come back to the gooner life.


Sep 16, 2023
an old friend of mine has rudimentary knowledge of Japanese because he's watched a shit ton of anime and (ahem) off brand anime for years now, it's to the point i can quote tekken (and final fantasy) characters and he can tell me roughly what they're saying, either he's gone insane or i'm lacking the iq to process it the way he has.
Thats how i started out aswell, but to be frank, i dont personally see learning languages as very difficult, atleast not as difficult as people make it out to be.
The start is the hardest Part, if it has a different writing system etc but once you got the foot in the door its quite simple.

Mind you i dont mean learning it to perfection is easy, but good enough for basic communication and so on.
You´ll learn alot from just listening, espescially with subtitles constantly.
The real issue begins when you realize that the way charackters say things in an anime is not the way actual japanese people talk.

Most comon example would be "gomenasai" = "I am sorry / apologies"
In comon/more relaxed japanese People would only say "Gomen" Gomen-asai is basically too formal or "too old fashioned"
which isn´t to say it´s never used but you see my point i´m sure.

Not sure why i explained all this. lol


Dec 5, 2023
Hello, my name is Galgano.
I tend to be wordy when writing posts. The main reason for such lengthy replies is that when I have something to say on a topic, I tend to have a lot to say. It also doesn't help that I sometimes feel the need to go on tangents.

Heh, I'm honestly tempted to put Long-winded Bob in my bio on here. That's a funny story, though. When I was back in middle school, I had to write vocabulary words for my english class. Most people in my class would just do the bare minimum of just using the word in a sentence. And I may have well done just that as well, were it not for the example the teacher provided us on how to complete the assignment. It was written kind of like a stage script featuring 2 characters, Bob and Joe, entering a coffee shop. I decided to use that prompt and wrote it in a way that the character of Bob was describing an event that occurred to them to Joe. Every so often, Joe would interject and ask questions or comment, but the majority of the time, Bob was talking. I showed the assignment to a classmate because I thought it was a funny story and thought he would get a kick out of it too. He seemed amused by it and referred to the Bob character as Long-winded Bob. That name stuck with me, and I always recall the name when I tend to write very wordy posts, since posts are the equivalent to a conversation in the digital age.

That's another funny thing about language; there is a proper grammatical format that should always be used when writing. The only exception to that is when you are writing dialogue. Since a person may speak improperly, there is more leeway in being grammatically incorrect. And what is a forum post, but another way of "speaking" but in written form? One would tend to write a post/reply the way they would speak as this is a form of dialogue/communication.

But I digress, I'm here to introduce myself. I don't know when I first got into western adult games. I definitely first started with eroge back in the day on Jast. I remember really being interested in Princess Waltz, which is just Fate Stay Night at home. After a while, I found Sengoku Rance. I really liked that game even though I was absolutely terrible at it. After that, let's see...I found Daibanchou off of Tenka. I'm still sad he stopped translating; now he just does anime reviews. In and around that time, I found other games. A lot of them were smaller titles like Monster Girl Quest, Violated Heroine, and...there was another reverse rape...I think it was called Violated Hero. I'm really big into the adult games that have actual gameplay to them. Visual novels are fine, but I prefer to have actual gameplay break up the monotonous clicking and reading of a standard visual novel. When I was over in Japan for a bit, that was when Rance Quest came out. Since I was in Japan, I felt it was only sensible to actually buy the game. This was back when I still bought physical copies of movies and games. I still do sometimes, but as the years have gone by, I've gotten more and more clutter from all the disc boxes, so I've reined it in. Now, I only buy a physical copy if I truly want to own a physical copy. Otherwise, I'll just download it as there's extremely less physical space for the digital data to take up.

After I came back to the states, I still mostly played eroge. I can't remember when I first learned about Ren'Py. Since I had learned a little Japanese, I understood that it was a play on the term renai which I think means lover or something like that. At the time, I was still mostly interested in gameplay games, so I stuck to RPG Maker games, flash games, and stuff like Trials in Tainted Space. I think my very first Ren'Py game might have been Starship Inanna which to this day, I'm still misspelling the name of; I keep wanting to spell it as Innana or with 2 a's instead. That was back when the most current content was, like chapter 4 or 5 or something like that. I don't remember how I stumbled onto it, but I found The Last Sovereign and fell in love with that game and its story. I usually play that game up to near current content release before stopping because I don't like leaving things on a cliff hanger. I don't remember all the forums I've been to or how I found them. I have an account somewhere on (Removed by automod), Legend of Krystal, and probably others. That's probably where I found most western adult games since I prefer gameplay in my adult games.

Eventually, I stumbled onto Fuck95. Maybe it was a link from another forum, or maybe it was through a google search result. I was on it for a bit, and while I was scrolling through a thread one day, I read a post where a person was hinting at another site but wouldn't elaborate on the name of the site because it was a no-no word. The site in question was Lewd Corner. I eventually managed to find another post from a person later on who didn't have as tight of lips. Anyway, that's my introduction.
What the hell dude ?????

And welcome.


Feb 11, 2023
Hello, long time lurker here. Wanted to talk about some normal games i've been playing to pass the time. By normal I mean non porn.
So i've been playing some overwatch 2 lately its fun, to play with friends. I miss the 6v6 mode because tank isnt as fun to play anymore. I also got dragon quest 11 its a fun turn based game, with a good story. Fallout 76 got it on release didnt like it because of the no npcs, but I came back to it recently with some friends and I can say its a enjoyable game now. Its no fnv but fun with friends and to pass the time with.

What are some normal or not normal(porn games) you've all been playing.


Feb 11, 2023
Hello, my name is Galgano.
I tend to be wordy when writing posts. The main reason for such lengthy replies is that when I have something to say on a topic, I tend to have a lot to say. It also doesn't help that I sometimes feel the need to go on tangents.

Heh, I'm honestly tempted to put Long-winded Bob in my bio on here. That's a funny story, though. When I was back in middle school, I had to write vocabulary words for my english class. Most people in my class would just do the bare minimum of just using the word in a sentence. And I may have well done just that as well, were it not for the example the teacher provided us on how to complete the assignment. It was written kind of like a stage script featuring 2 characters, Bob and Joe, entering a coffee shop. I decided to use that prompt and wrote it in a way that the character of Bob was describing an event that occurred to them to Joe. Every so often, Joe would interject and ask questions or comment, but the majority of the time, Bob was talking. I showed the assignment to a classmate because I thought it was a funny story and thought he would get a kick out of it too. He seemed amused by it and referred to the Bob character as Long-winded Bob. That name stuck with me, and I always recall the name when I tend to write very wordy posts, since posts are the equivalent to a conversation in the digital age.

That's another funny thing about language; there is a proper grammatical format that should always be used when writing. The only exception to that is when you are writing dialogue. Since a person may speak improperly, there is more leeway in being grammatically incorrect. And what is a forum post, but another way of "speaking" but in written form? One would tend to write a post/reply the way they would speak as this is a form of dialogue/communication.

But I digress, I'm here to introduce myself. I don't know when I first got into western adult games. I definitely first started with eroge back in the day on Jast. I remember really being interested in Princess Waltz, which is just Fate Stay Night at home. After a while, I found Sengoku Rance. I really liked that game even though I was absolutely terrible at it. After that, let's see...I found Daibanchou off of Tenka. I'm still sad he stopped translating; now he just does anime reviews. In and around that time, I found other games. A lot of them were smaller titles like Monster Girl Quest, Violated Heroine, and...there was another reverse rape...I think it was called Violated Hero. I'm really big into the adult games that have actual gameplay to them. Visual novels are fine, but I prefer to have actual gameplay break up the monotonous clicking and reading of a standard visual novel. When I was over in Japan for a bit, that was when Rance Quest came out. Since I was in Japan, I felt it was only sensible to actually buy the game. This was back when I still bought physical copies of movies and games. I still do sometimes, but as the years have gone by, I've gotten more and more clutter from all the disc boxes, so I've reined it in. Now, I only buy a physical copy if I truly want to own a physical copy. Otherwise, I'll just download it as there's extremely less physical space for the digital data to take up.

After I came back to the states, I still mostly played eroge. I can't remember when I first learned about Ren'Py. Since I had learned a little Japanese, I understood that it was a play on the term renai which I think means lover or something like that. At the time, I was still mostly interested in gameplay games, so I stuck to RPG Maker games, flash games, and stuff like Trials in Tainted Space. I think my very first Ren'Py game might have been Starship Inanna which to this day, I'm still misspelling the name of; I keep wanting to spell it as Innana or with 2 a's instead. That was back when the most current content was, like chapter 4 or 5 or something like that. I don't remember how I stumbled onto it, but I found The Last Sovereign and fell in love with that game and its story. I usually play that game up to near current content release before stopping because I don't like leaving things on a cliff hanger. I don't remember all the forums I've been to or how I found them. I have an account somewhere on (Removed by automod), Legend of Krystal, and probably others. That's probably where I found most western adult games since I prefer gameplay in my adult games.

Eventually, I stumbled onto Fuck95. Maybe it was a link from another forum, or maybe it was through a google search result. I was on it for a bit, and while I was scrolling through a thread one day, I read a post where a person was hinting at another site but wouldn't elaborate on the name of the site because it was a no-no word. The site in question was Lewd Corner. I eventually managed to find another post from a person later on who didn't have as tight of lips. Anyway, that's my introduction.
Welcome same story for me in how I found this place. I still love physical copies of normal games, and movies.


Apr 24, 2022
Light of my life
Lessons in Love
Where the Heart Is
Daughter for Dessert
I Love Daddy - a completely unexpectedly mad plot
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