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How do you find your next game to play?


Feb 3, 2024
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My current method is just sorting by rating and occasionally seeing names pop up in discussions

Going through new games or ones on the front page is always a mixed bag in terms of quality / completeness

How do you all do it?
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I used to google some games and were looking for recommendations on reddit and such. But the more u play the harder it gets to find anything new.
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get favorite tag, browse, browse, browse
download one hundred games, let them stir while playing one by one
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Throw a dart at the screen. Whatever it hits, I download. Never fails except sometimes when I hit the big empty space on the right.

Hell on my budget though.
A daily check on latests updates and ocasionally looking up curated lists threads.
I check for tags.....Incest, loli, animated. If i see them then i check renders.....If they look
good then i'm along for the ride.
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No specific way, I already a list of "To play" games and just follow that or if I read a good enough summary then I jump to that one which I usually find by randomly browsing or looking up a specific fetish.
I order by tags to get the most popular ones and I filter by tag to look for new games in the niche I like
Get into the ballpark with tags, then see the screenshots, opinions and reviews
Latest updates -> preview pictures -> if pics are good play, if not dont.
I check for tags.....Incest, loli, animated. If i see them then i check renders.....If they look
good then i'm along for the ride.
Same. If they dont have those tags then im like, well whats the point in playing lol. Like i dont want to be bored outta my mind.
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A daily check on latests updates and ocasionally looking up curated lists threads.

Yup, more or less what I do. If I see something in the latest updates that I think might be interesting then I check the rating (if no-one has rated it yet or it is a demo, I'll leave it until theh next release hits), the description, the preview images, and the reviews/comments. If I still fancy giving it a go then I download and play it. If it's no fun then I bin it and make a note not to try it again. If I think it might improve with age then I bin it and make a note to look at it on a significantly later release. Otherwise, it's game on.
Been picking up recommendations from this site. Some stuff I've never heard of before but turned out to be great.
Mainly i just preview some pictures and try it when it at least has a bit of content.
Hit up the latest updates, and then scroll through anything that seems appealing. Not much thought or criteria other than, does it look good.
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