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How do you feel about voiced VN?


Sep 12, 2022
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Honestly I usually mute everything, only if the music is fine I let it on.

I dont know why, but I dont like voiced VN, the only exception is Subverse, but Subverse has profesional VA.

So, Am I weird?

Do you also mute the games?

Do any of these questions matter?

Please help me, thank you.
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It is good if they can afford a VA. AI just feels so weird and robotic.
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I mute everything mostly because I don't live alone and I get judgemental looks if I don't.
  • Haha
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I also mute the audio though mostly because I can't stand the 1 minute looping music over and over.
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Most of the time I ended muting the voices because I read faster than the voice and I don't want to wait for it to stop reading before moving on.
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I like em about 80 % of the time
Yeah muting is normally the way to go, i cant stand the looping
never played a game where the "voice acting" wasn't just some kinda annoying moaning on loop as such it isn't something I look for or care about as it gets muted most of the time
I don't mind noises during scenes as long as they feel like they belong, but I'm not too fond of spoken lines in a VN, I can't read the lines if I'm having them read to me and it irks me as I'm a reader not a listener when it comes to adult material, my mind can make better scenes through reading than it can by having those lines read out in any voice either human or AI
mute everything
already don't care about music or shitty stock sex noises, last thing what i want is listen to generated VA
Don't care for it. I read faster than it, and it takes up too much space, so an even not complete game can be like 8GB.
I always mute voices. It's annoying reading with the voice over, and normally I end faster.
when i start a game. i mute everything. but a little moaning in the scene should be fine
I mute everything, I like to be aware of my surroundings while playing
I never mute it, but turn down. music I turn down almost all the way, or mute if it's something annoying, like Techno.
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I mean it doesn't bother me with porn, so my assumption is that so far i just didn't play a game with a voice support. At this point i didn't enjoy a single one of them.

Maybe one of the better applications of AI, might be a big impovement over the current state.
The games music is cringe!! And the most of the times the moaning noises on the sex scenes are so unreal
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In most VNs the voice acting actually reduces the quality of the sex scenes for me. Too much excessive moaning and shit. Games without voice acting tend to be less obnoxious, even when both are muted.
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