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hentai TV shows

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Sep 23, 2023
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What even is there for on going/long run adult media animation? By this I don't mean any of the countless OVAs or as we in west call them "miniseries". These basically have the funding of B grade AAA films and essentially are just 4-8 part broken up movies. Usually these are also produced by the top manga circles/video game companies on the adult side of the industry.

AI TV shows have existed since 2021, and machinema since long before. I'm fine with more indie side of stuff, but bluntly just looking to see what even there is out there in way of 12-24+ episode H series or fan made doujinshi works encompassing more than 1 film/ova. Also if doujin, it shouldn't be produced by a major corp cuz in that case its not actually doujinshi.

Like from Grey's Anatomy to Days of our Lives to every 3rd show on CW or telemundo, theres 0 shortage of pg-13 "soap operas" which basically only/purely revolve around sex. So why isnt there like actual porn TV/the H equivalent of Shounen Jump?
I mean they do have some, from Highschool DXD to Peter Grill. Although Crunchyroll screwed us when the bough out Funimation and now everything is censored.
I think the only hentai with a full season is Overflow but that's only 8 episodes. Some anime that are borderline hentai would be shows like Interspecies Reviewers, Redo of a Healer, and Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
There really isn't any what are ACTUAL hentai series if there is any nudity or adult stuff like that it is usually just boobs and nothing else or it is insinuated but not shown.
You might have to try shows that are erotic but not necessarily straight up Hentai. I really liked for example or like but yeah i think finding a true hentai long running show will be difficult.
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