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Has a minigame ever made anyone like a game more?


Apr 15, 2024
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For real, does anybody really feel minigames add anything to any game?? The only one I felt made sense was the impregnation spinner in summertime saga because its sort of realistic to have an unpredictable element to pregnancy.
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I am going to assume no, at least that has been my general experience.
not in this universe, maybe parallel one where everything backwards
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I gonna say the sex mini game in The Null Hypothesis and Rogue Like are the closes to mini games that I have like in a game. Maybe more of a feature then a mini game tho.
Im not sure if you would call it a mini game, but in Game of Hearts, (great game so far BTW) during the scenes with the girls, you have to balance how much they love you, how corrupted you are making them, and how how turned on they are, all while making sure you dont push to hard and get them to back down. You play as a guy that just found out he is a demon, and needs willing followers to gain power, so you actually need the women to like you, but still get corrupted enough that they would willingly give themselves to a demon. Lots of pretty messed up moral choices.
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Im not sure if you would call it a mini game, but in Game of Hearts, (great game so far BTW) during the scenes with the girls, you have to balance how much they love you, how corrupted you are making them, and how how turned on they are, all while making sure you dont push to hard and get them to back down. You play as a guy that just found out he is a demon, and needs willing followers to gain power, so you actually need the women to like you, but still get corrupted enough that they would willingly give themselves to a demon. Lots of pretty messed up moral choices.
That actually sounds pretty compelling, might have to try that one
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I can't think of one. There are a couple of sex minigames in games I actually like but even those tend to be incredibly repetitive and take up too much of the time to keep doing.

Even "dice roll"-type stuff to just makes me want to keep re-rolling for my preferred outcome.
Mini-games only break the gameplay, distracting from the development of the main plot. Since some time, when I find mini-games (and can't skip them), I just delete the whole game, it ceases to exist for me.
I really dislike the mini games, they interrupt the story line even when there's a choice to skip them.
Mini-games like sandbox games are just a way to pad your game with easy content.

Some give you extra rewards as you play but usually just piss off your players.
i refuse to ever play any of those shitty mini games
Mini game makes you play this game longer
the longer you play, will make you adhesion to this game more
but still I hate it too, so I will choose cheat or what can pass the grinding part lol
I have not yet found a game with good or interesting mini-games, so I don't think they add value
Don't think I've played a mini-game on these types of games and I doubt I'd care for them if I ran across from one.

Was a big fan of Blitzball in FFX and some card games in others like in Xenosaga. Heard the Queen's Blood card game in FF7: Rebirth is very good.

But as I said, on erotic games per se, don't think I'd care for them, but haven't played any.
I actually like puzzle mini-games, even in porn games. What I absolutely despise is sex mini-games. I don't think I've seen a single one that didn't take me out of the mood instantly.
its alright if it is a main part of the game like in the HuniePop games. But having a random minigame in the middle of an otherwise normal VN is jarring.
Agent17 has some cool minigames, but it also has annoying ones
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In porn games, no. In other type of games they can be nice, like gwent in the witcher
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