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Walkthrough Music Grandma's House - Walkthrough + Music Mod[v0.72] [KoGa3]


Nobody Knows
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This Mod adds a walkthrough + game point hints for choices.
Both can be turned on/off while playing the game.
Second Mod version with additional RePlay and music in these scenes.
Info: the RePlay Mod is stopped because there is now an own in the main game!

Jan. 27, 2025
Updated my Mod/port for the new game version v0.72

Info: v0.69 is the start of game part 5
You need the save from the end of part 4 to continue
(were it said "Save Now")

Updated: 2024-10-10
Game: Grandma's House
Creator: MoonBox - - - - -
Modder: KoGa3 - /
Mod Version: Part 4: v0.67 (Part 1: v0.16a, Part 2: v0.37a, Part 3: v0.53)
Game Version: v0.72 (v0.16, v0.37, v0.53)
Language: English

- show point hints for game choices
- ingame walkthrough recommendations (based on the dev's walkthrough)
-* new with v0.09: additional game settings
- new with v0.09: renaming

second Mod variant with additional function:
- main menu music
- ingame jukebox player with some tracks
Installation guide:
1. of course the original game must be installed first
2. extract the Mod archive in a temporary folder
3. move the extracted files/folders into your .../game/ folder

See also the installation info in the ZIP file.

If using my Mod for the first time it's recommended to start a new game.
General Advice!
My mod changes the original game files! Old saves will most likely not work anymore!
Also, saves with my mod installed will maybe not work WITHOUT my mod afterwards, too.
As this Mod overwrites game files, other Mods/addons may also not work after installing it.

Sorry about that.
v0.69 (Dec. 14, 2024)
- start of game part 5
- updated my Mod for the game Part 5, v0.69
v0.68 (Nov. 25, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.68
v0.65 (Oct. 10, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.65

v0.62 (Sept. 13, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.62

v0.61 (Aug. 27, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.61

v0.60 (Aug. 11, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.60

v0.59 (July 13, 2024)/*
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.59

v0.58 (July 13, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.58

v0.57 (June 27, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.57

v0.56 (June 9, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.56
v0.55 (May 25, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the game Part 4, v0.55
v0.53 (April 25, 2024)
- updated my Mod for the new game Part 3, v0.53
v0.40 (Oct. 11, 2023)
- new Mod for the new game Part 3, v0.40
v0.32 (June 10, 2023)
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.32
- added two bonus tracks to the music Mod variant
v0.28 (April 23, 2023)
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.28
v0.23 (Feb. 7, 2023)
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.23
- added an option to show most game scenes (for game part 2)

v0.20 (Dec. 16, 2022)
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.20

v0.19 (Dec. 12, 2022)
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.19
- changed the WT recomm. colors a bit (recomm. green / infos yellow)
- enhanced named save

v0.18 (Nov. 27, 2022)
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.18

v0.16a (Nov. 12, 2022)
- Mod update for Part 1 to version v0.16a
(fixed a bug in the WT showing negative points not correctly)

v0.17 (Nov. 9, 2022)
- new Mod for the new game Part 2, v0.17

v0.16 (Oct. 19, 2022)
- updated the Mod for the new game version v0.16

v0.15 (Oct. 2, 2022)
- updated the Mod for the new game version v0.15
- some changes in the Mod menu / add. settings
- added two bonus tracks (Mod version with music)

v0.14 (Sept. 13, 2022)
- updated the Mod version for the new game version v0.14
- added the main menu track to the track play list (Mod version with music)

v0.13a (Sept. 2, 2022)
– fixed a small bug (textbox background)

v0.13 (Sept. 2, 2022)
- updated the Mod version for the new game version v0.13

v0.12b (Aug. 22, 2022)
– fixed a bug in the nickname renaming

v0.12a (Aug. 21, 2022)
– fixed a bug in the WT only Mod (the music buttons were activated)
- added some more nicknames renaming options

v0.12 (Aug. 21, 2022)
- updated the Mod version for the new game version v0.12
- some changes to the renaming (added nicknames)

v0.11a (Aug. 7, 2022)
- changed the blue WT color to yellow
- changed the game naming to be compatible to the gallery
(setting the names in the game should now also set them in the gallery)

v0.11 (Aug. 6, 2022)
- updated the Mod version for the new game version v0.11
(the RePlay Mod version is stopped)

v0.10 (July xx, 2022)
- updated the Mod version for the new game version v0.10
- enhanced the Mod menu (quick menu text size, reset add. game settings)

v0.09a (June 16, 2022):
- small bugfix in the RePlay Mod version (renaming bug)

v0.09 (June 16, 2022):
- updated the WT Mod version for the new game version v0.09
- added a Mod menu to the main game
- added an option for renaming the characters
- added a jukebox player for RePlay and the main game
- option to switch between single/all/random track play

v0.08a2 (May 17, 2022):
- small bugfix in the RePlay Mod version (showing v0.07 in the main menu)
- added some default names needed for the RePlay Mod version

v0.08a (May 16, 2022):
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.08 incl hotfix

v0.07a (April 20, 2022):
- small bugfix

v0.07 (April 20, 2022):
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.07

v0.06b (April 6, 2022):
- added a missing music track in the RePlay Mod only version
(info: the Android port had it already integrated)

v0.06a (Mar. 30, 2022):
- small update for the RePlay Mod variant (Cat scene)

v0.06 (Mar. 29, 2022):
- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.06

- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.05

- testing a second Mod variant with gallery/scene replay and music

- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.04

- changed a WT recommendation (wrong name)

- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.03

- added the orig. WT from the game dev.

- updated my Mod for the new game version v0.02

first release of the Mod:
- added a walkthrough (switchable)
Current Version:
Mod for game Part 5 / v0.69 and up:
Download WT Mod
(incl. Taboo Patch) v0.72WT (1MB)

New: the former music Mod variant is replaced with a Music Add On.
You therefore can keep it for newer game versions, only the WT Mod must be updated
Also new: you can place now own tracks into the music folder (max. 60)
or also remove some tracks there if you want.
Installation info:
install the WT Mod from above first, afterwards the Add On

Music Add On for the WT Mod v0.69 and up (~60MB)

Android port from the game compressed v0.72
with integrated WT Mod and Music Add On (~360MB)
(incl. Taboo Patch)

Mod for game Part 1 / v0.16:
Download Mod with WT
(incl. Taboo Patch)
v0.16a (9MB)
Download Mod with WT
(incl. Taboo Patch)
v0.16a (9MB)
Mod for game Part 2 / v0.37:

Download Mod with WT
(incl. Taboo Patch) v0.37aWT (1MB)
- -
Second Mod version with WT and jukebox player
(incl. Taboo Patch), v0.37aMusicWT (49MB)
- -

Android port from the game compressed
with integrated Mod v0.37aMusicWT (~1.1GB)
(incl. Taboo Patch)
- -
Mod for game Part 3 / v0.53:

Download Mod with WT
(incl. Taboo Patch) v0.53WT (1MB)

Second Mod version with WT and jukebox player
(incl. Taboo Patch), v0.53MusicWT (~60MB)

Android port from the game compressed
with integrated Mod v0.53MusicWT (~870MB)
(incl. Taboo Patch)


Info: the part 3 port is installed as an update for part 2.
Please check if you already have the needed save at the
end of v0.37 for the new v0.38 and above before installing it!
The old port is replaced when you install the new port.
Usage of the additional swipe commands:
Swipe left: back
Swipe right: skip
Swipe up: main menu
Swipe down: hide

The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: "(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse"
(you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
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WT mod from Koga updated to latest version.
Mod links updated.
WT mod from Koga updated to latest version.
Links to Mod v0.37 are dead
Hmm the Mod Discription needs to be Updated ^^
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From what I understand, this mod won't work with the incest patch? What happens if I download this first and add it to the game? Then add the incest patch. Will it still not work?
am i missing something or is there no link for part 4?
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