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What's up to anyone who reads this. I was wondering if there is a good came where I can modify the characters? like their bodies, hair, boobs, vag ect...
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Well there's lust hunter by lust madness. You can choose male roider character or you can play as female or futa (trans/dick girl)- real futa. You can change outfits - hairs and other things but there are things that are behind a paywall.
I am gonna say you would love the game Home Together!
What's up to anyone who reads this. I was wondering if there is a good came where I can modify the characters? like their bodies, hair, boobs, vag ect...
koikatsu, playhome, honey select
Following this because I liked Lost Life a lot too :)
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Need BDSM/Bondage/Torture games games. Please suggest some goodies! Preferably interactive.

I played most popular ones already.

Thanks in advance!
Any recommendations for games whose plot is not similar to movies like Pretty Baby, Blue Lagoon, Cuties, Leon the Professional or Lolita? Preferably with characters who bare no resemblance to Brooke Shields... Asking for a friend.
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Most games are not similar to the movies you've listed above. Unless the very presence of loli/teen characters is enough for you to think so? :rolleyes:

Most WEG/AVNs out there are actually similar to the "Taboo" series of porno movies from the 1970s and 80s (fuck mommy and sisters). :unsure:

Games with loli and (under 18) teen type characters are very much the minority, and I have never run across one that was plot-similar to Pretty Baby (set in an early-1900s brothel), Blue Lagoon (two stranded teenage virgins getting it on), Leon/The Professional (precociously sexy young girl tries AND FAILS to seduce her hitman love interest) or Lolita (Eurotrash guy spends a year or so in the 1940s driving from motel to motel banging his stepdaughter and doesn't even get her pregnant before she ditches his ass to hook up with a child pornographer).
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Or basically reversed PF/Guardian - a woman and some totally 18yearsold small guys that just go to elementary school for no reason.
I like that part in , but there is too much elderly, ugly bastards and greenhaired thugs for my taste.
Is such games exist? Suggestions?
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Yes. There are many here...

I am concerned.... You mean shoota into elderly woman?
There should be plenty. I guess... As it not my fetish, I cant point you in the right
direction. Ask admin. He is into that. Or one of the mods...
I have seen a few. Browsing here...
It is difficunt to point out the stuff yer looking for. Lewdcorner have it all as I understand.

I usually look for flat chests and/or pre pubertal cunny.

Ask admin or his mods. They are very learned about the games you are looking for,

You could also search for the title or the stuff youre looking for.
Like "cunny egg shaped penis". If thats your game.
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Ok thanks, I'll wait for actuals suggestions, not some directions where I should ask, since it is "recommendations" forum, you are supposed to ask stuff like this here, not pestering mods in pm.
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Ok thanks, I'll wait for actuals suggestions, not some directions where I should ask, since it is "recommendations" forum, you are supposed to ask stuff like this here, not pestering mods in pm.
Why not?
They are here to serve you. And they earn $$$ from it.

Be a little piss ant and bother them.
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Mods are not for asking questions of where can I find *** - they have a multitude of tasks which lie just behind being every members personal butler. As other forums, Lewdcorner is also a forum - and a forum consists of members.

To op:
To my knowledge you're not going to find a pure reflection PF/TG, most games involving shota + woman is limited to 1 shota (usually as protagonist). There is a few games which might fight the bill.

(Not currently found here, can upload) - complete and has some shotas + adult woman content, but its not the prime focus of the game.
Loner Onee-San or How She Found Happiness (Not currently found here) - under development, a group of shotas help woman become happy. D might be to your liking, includes spoiler of future content. No update for a while though.
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