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Game/VN Plots You've Thought Of?

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May 6, 2023
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To be clear, there are a couple of reasons why I'm posting this. First, yes, I'm grinding. Second, I have these thoughts in my head and would like to get them out there. Third, if there's a dev who would want to put these brain droppings into creating their game, well I wouldn't say no. =)

So one of these plots revolves around a boy of 10. His father re-married and they live with his step-mother and step-sister of 8 years (and yes, with editing you can change that you pervs. ;-) ). The sister has 2 best friends of the same age. All three girls absolutely love the MC and have already agreed to dedicate themselves to him. But the father is a jerk to the son, the wife and the daughter, and eventually he leaves and takes the son.

8-10 years later the father dies (of course) of some kind of issue (drinking, drugs, whatever). The MC decides to learn the lesson and be nothing like his father. He's going to be kind and caring and protective and everything his father wasn't. And of course on his 18th birthday he decides to buy his first lotto ticket which he wins. He decides to return "home" (because it's been the best time he remembers) and returns to his sister and her two friends, who have grown up from pretty little girls to beautiful women. The story continues as the three of them, at first individually then two each (Sister + Friend1, Sister + Friend2, Friend1 + Friend2, then all three) copulate. The three girl's love for the MC has only gotten stronger, and they want nothing more than to be his harem and to make a family with him. Very romantic and procreative.

But here's the twist. The mother and her two friends (moms of the two friends) see the MC and get 100% Cougary MILFy on him because he's 18-20 and they're in their early 40's and horny AF. The girls, while icked out a little bit by it, rationalize it by saying that if being intimate with their mothers makes him happy, and they want him to be happy because of their love for him, then it's okay. Maybe there would be some crossover between the two trios of women.

So there you go. I have other scenarios in my braincase but let's see how this thread goes before I post them. =)
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To be honest I really want to see a xianxia VN with bullshit tropes
ill keep it short, a doctor who molests patients. kind of like the imperial gatekeeper.
2 wounded little girls meet deep in the woods.
One is a witch who just discovered her affinity for fire and got hunted by the townsfolk for accidently burning down a few buildings.
The other is a succubus who failed her test to seduce her first victim, got abandoned for failing and is now hunted by the church.
...both prepare to fight but collapse because of their injuries. Exhausted lying next to each other they start talking. After discovering they are pretty much in the same messy situation, they decide to team up to survive.
But the succubus is too weak to heal without help and the witch dont has any mana left to cast a healing spell, but the pussy juice of a succubus is stronger than a mana potion...
After feeding each other in the first 69 sex scene of the game, both regain their powers, heal and each of them makes 2 discoverys:
The succubus learns why she failed: The victim her mother selected for the test was a male priest and neither appetizing nor sexually appealing, she only likes girls.
And she senses a strong creature in the woods...
The witch learns that succubus pussy juice not only replenishes her mana reserves, but also enhances them, a lot.
And she senses strong unknown magic in the woods...
They decide to seek the source of the magic.
filler, sidestuff, random encounters, relationship developments, ... during the journey while the strong creature seems to have the same goal and comes closer every night.
After a few days they find a strange cottage, strange because it dont looks built, but grown, without any doors or windows. Just as they want to explore it, some roots break through the soil and grab their legs while vines come from the trees to grap their arms and cover their mouths. The cottage shakes while similar vines move to create an opening. A few seconds later they hear a rambling voice: Intruders, human form, church? No, they wouldnt send a witch. The other one feels demonic, are they hunting me? Thieves? Lost travelers? ...
They spot the rambling girl watching them from the cottage. The well-fed Succubus stopps struggling against the vines and root holding them and bites through the one covering her mouth. "Looks like we found the source of the magic you felt. Hey girl, we dont mean any harm, ask your questions and then release us"
After explaining and sharing their past stories they learn a bit about the girl:
She is a druid, alone and borderline paranoid since her whole tribe got slaughtered by knights. She only survived because she trained her shapeshifting and was an owl when the assault began. Unable to help she witnessed the death of everyone she knew and then heard the knights talk...the new king sent them out to clean his realm from all magic, not for the church, but because he fears and hates magic and everything else he cant control.
In the end she joins the party because she dont wants to be alone anymore.
That night the succubus wakes up by instinct, the unknown creature is close, too close and the vines dont react. Waking up the others they prepare for the fight...but then they see it. On first sight its just another little girl, but she is incredibly fast, dont makes the slightest sound and the vines dont even react when she steps on them, but once the druid could see her she is able to direct the veins and catch her.
A short interrogation later they learn a few things. She is a vampire, the last of her clan and the vines only react to living intruders. Their castle was raided by knights she never saw before. After hiding in the woods for months she smelled lots of of blood and decided to investigate it. After reaching the former druid settlement and finding a few dead knights of the same type that raided her castle, she looked for clues. When she picked up the smell of a survivor she decided to find it for answers and a possible ally for her revenge.
They talk the whole night and reach a conclusion: Everyone of them has a target on the head, the church and the king will hunt them down wherever they hide. The only way to survive is to take revenge and their combined skills should be enough to take the realm village by village, but they need more than that, they need an army to keep the villages they conquer, to stand against armies, to siege castles, ...
Tomorrow the training begins, the witch needs to control her magic, the succubus must be able to seduce every female, the druid needs to increase the area her vines can immobilize and the vampire needs fighting skills, stealth assassination dont works well in open battles.
The plan is pretty simple, the succubus seduces the girls into loyal followers, the witch casts a ring of fire around the village to prevent escapes and reinforcements, the druid binds the males and the vampire enthralls the useable cannonfodder and feeds on the rest to become stronger.
...it all starts tomorrow...

End of prologue.
Time for a lesbian harem game ^^
Time for a dev to pick it up and make it.
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To be clear, there are a couple of reasons why I'm posting this. First, yes, I'm grinding. Second, I have these thoughts in my head and would like to get them out there. Third, if there's a dev who would want to put these brain droppings into creating their game, well I wouldn't say no. =)

So one of these plots revolves around a boy of 10. His father re-married and they live with his step-mother and step-sister of 8 years (and yes, with editing you can change that you pervs. ;-) ). The sister has 2 best friends of the same age. All three girls absolutely love the MC and have already agreed to dedicate themselves to him. But the father is a jerk to the son, the wife and the daughter, and eventually he leaves and takes the son.

8-10 years later the father dies (of course) of some kind of issue (drinking, drugs, whatever). The MC decides to learn the lesson and be nothing like his father. He's going to be kind and caring and protective and everything his father wasn't. And of course on his 18th birthday he decides to buy his first lotto ticket which he wins. He decides to return "home" (because it's been the best time he remembers) and returns to his sister and her two friends, who have grown up from pretty little girls to beautiful women. The story continues as the three of them, at first individually then two each (Sister + Friend1, Sister + Friend2, Friend1 + Friend2, then all three) copulate. The three girl's love for the MC has only gotten stronger, and they want nothing more than to be his harem and to make a family with him. Very romantic and procreative.

But here's the twist. The mother and her two friends (moms of the two friends) see the MC and get 100% Cougary MILFy on him because he's 18-20 and they're in their early 40's and horny AF. The girls, while icked out a little bit by it, rationalize it by saying that if being intimate with their mothers makes him happy, and they want him to be happy because of their love for him, then it's okay. Maybe there would be some crossover between the two trios of women.

So there you go. I have other scenarios in my braincase but let's see how this thread goes before I post them. =)

Hey, with that much lezcest I'd throw you a few bucks on substar if the art is even close to decent.
Starlewd Valley: The Wizard in Stardew Valley became self aware and modified the game to become a porn game
Milkman Deliveries: You are the milkman for 1950's suburbia. Your goal: seduce and impregnate every woman in the neighborhood.
i didnt thought of it as Original but i'd want an AVN adaptation of the KDrama "The producers"
To be clear, there are a couple of reasons why I'm posting this. First, yes, I'm grinding. Second, I have these thoughts in my head and would like to get them out there. Third, if there's a dev who would want to put these brain droppings into creating their game, well I wouldn't say no. =)

So one of these plots revolves around a boy of 10. His father re-married and they live with his step-mother and step-sister of 8 years (and yes, with editing you can change that you pervs. ;-) ). The sister has 2 best friends of the same age. All three girls absolutely love the MC and have already agreed to dedicate themselves to him. But the father is a jerk to the son, the wife and the daughter, and eventually he leaves and takes the son.

8-10 years later the father dies (of course) of some kind of issue (drinking, drugs, whatever). The MC decides to learn the lesson and be nothing like his father. He's going to be kind and caring and protective and everything his father wasn't. And of course on his 18th birthday he decides to buy his first lotto ticket which he wins. He decides to return "home" (because it's been the best time he remembers) and returns to his sister and her two friends, who have grown up from pretty little girls to beautiful women. The story continues as the three of them, at first individually then two each (Sister + Friend1, Sister + Friend2, Friend1 + Friend2, then all three) copulate. The three girl's love for the MC has only gotten stronger, and they want nothing more than to be his harem and to make a family with him. Very romantic and procreative.

But here's the twist. The mother and her two friends (moms of the two friends) see the MC and get 100% Cougary MILFy on him because he's 18-20 and they're in their early 40's and horny AF. The girls, while icked out a little bit by it, rationalize it by saying that if being intimate with their mothers makes him happy, and they want him to be happy because of their love for him, then it's okay. Maybe there would be some crossover between the two trios of women.

So there you go. I have other scenarios in my braincase but let's see how this thread goes before I post them. =)
This one sounds like a reboot of Where the Heart Is. Hahaha

I posted one ideia somewhere sometime ago. If I find it I'll share it.
yeah dude, I'd like to see something like

small farming town where they start using a special fertilizer, but it slowly makes everyone horny as shit, and before they realize everyones crazy and start fucking every single thing that moves

lol, with big bitches ofc
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