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Forum is too wide

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Jan 10, 2024
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Hey guys,

Great to see the site is being worked on. One piece of feedback I would like to give is that the website is too wide, making it a bit uneasy to read. I have a 1440p display and most sites are "thinner" as in more towards the middle, making it much easier on the eyes. Like the way the old LC layout was.

Hopefully you coul give us an option to change the layout?
Hey guys,

Great to see the site is being worked on. One piece of feedback I would like to give is that the website is too wide, making it a bit uneasy to read. I have a 1440p display and most sites are "thinner" as in more towards the middle, making it much easier on the eyes. Like the way the old LC layout was.

Hopefully you coul give us an option to change the layout?
we will be looking into fixing this when we have time :)
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i slimmed it down to 75% from 90%
I disagree. And now I canĀ“t even skip the sidebar.
There is so much wasted space on the right and left screen.

Before the update you could choose, what you want.


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Looks good in 1080
This User is on vacation. Response time may be delayed. Vacation to Feb 13, 2025.
Yeah its a little too wide, but might get used to it after a while
meh it doesnt bother me honestly. Though I think the biggest downside is the lack of search functions by tag.
I agree, glad the site is being worked on but I found the previous version more user friendly.
Meh as long as it doesn't become like the new reddit I'm good
I'm already getting used to the "wideness" of the forum, so maybe it was just a "I don't like change" kinda thing. Happy to see the continuation of LC either way.
That's not an accident the paper newspapers use multiple columns and not long lines. Faster reading and easier to find the next line when your eyes moves back to the left.
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