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Favorite game genres outside of adult themes.

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Mar 22, 2023
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So what are some of your favortie game genres outside of adult themes. I personally love strategy games.
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FPS (almost) all the way. Half Life, Far Cry.
Also fan of old times platformers, Super Mario, Banjo Kazooie
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So what are some of your favortie game genres outside of adult themes. I personally love strategy games.
I personally like getting a good full night of sleep.
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Action such as Nier Automata, Bayonetta, and Stellar Blade.
Survival-ish games are my stuff as the ability to hoard is a hard habit to break.
After that is RPGs as i can over level or prepare a bundle of items,
my time of gameplay is making sure i got options
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Sci-Fi RPGs mostly with a smattering of Fantasy. NUFF SAID!!! :p

Carry ON!!!! :ROFLMAO:
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Souls-like, Rogue-lite, Space Combat and Trading Simulators, Driving Simulators, Racing Simulators.
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I used to love Metal Gear Solid. Up until the ending of Phantom Pain, or should i say incomplete and unfinished.
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open world, like in DaggerFall. massvie maps open ended story.
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crusader kings, its hilarious to make generation after generation of hideous incestual monstrosities that conquer the world
10/10 would recommend
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All types of strategy and RPG games. Don't care about F2P or online only games all that much though.
I love RTS like Warcraft III, Supreme Commander, AI War Fleet Command and Distant Worlds. Nowadays I've been playing Fire Emblem 6.
Multiplayer: MMOs, FPS (both tactical and standard, but no battle royale crap)
Singleplayer: Open world RPGs, Base-Building/Survival, Racing
Choose your own adventure / story based. Telltale and LiS games mainly. Outside that, puzzle games just draw me in so much more than typical pop genres.
RPGs and FPS games. Right now Counter-strike has made a comeback in my life even with the cheating problems.
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