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Does anyone ever check render count for a release?


Jul 21, 2022
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So many game releases give the number of renders but that seems a stupid way to mark the size of an update. But does anyone ever check Ive never looked
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I always check because it gives me an idea of how long it will take to play the update.
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always do, helps to know how big update is and if it worth to download it or wait for another
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Pretty much always - because it says something about length.
A game that has like.. 3-4 scenes with 5-10 renders per scene.. not really worth the effort.
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Render count doesnt tell me much

I look more for quality than quantity
I used to, for sure. Now I just wait until a couple of updates drop to play.
Of course, when I pick up a game again I like it if the new content is substantial. 200-300 renders means 15-30 minutes of content, so if that's the case i usually wait 1-2 more updates.
typically check animation count. that or filesize tbh
I don't have a good idea of how many renders last how long, so I just keep in mind how much each dev produces in a new update.
I compare render count to file size. This gives me a rough idea of the quality of the renders. I don't have a ratio or anything, just kind of eye balling it. A lot of renders had better yield a higher file size, otherwise I'm concerned the dev is using an old 1080 GPU or worse any AMD GPU.
Quality over quantity for me. If the renders are grainy or are 720p, then the story had better be really enthralling.
always do, helps to know how big update is and if it worth to download it or wait for another
Yes, developers vary quite a bit in what constitutes an update. Sometimes its better to download every few. Though I don't think there is an actual render could that provides a barrier.
Not really. If a game has me hooked enough to come back, then I do not care how many renders there are in the new update.
I look at it, doesn't always inform my decision though. Gives you a good benchmark of how much content vs time between updates you can expect.
Nowadays I just wait 3 or so updates to play any games, aside from my favs
I never bother to check and even if I happen to see it gives the wrong impression. It's like when Dark Silver was still working on Glamour and every release had hundreds of renders and "dialogs" which were meaningless and boring.
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