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Does anybody remember the game Monster Girl Island?

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Jun 23, 2022
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I remember it being a pretty well made game for its time but I don't remember seeing it for a while. What happened to it?
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From what I've Read, I think it was abandoned. But who knows, I've seen Devs come back before.
Dang, thats a bummer. It was weirdly good. Not usually into that kind of monster stuff but the dev made it kind of cool
Yeah the prologue was amazing, I would love for the dev to come back.
As others mentioned it was likely abandoned. It was updated beyond prologue though and posted in the devs discord. I saw a link to an updated version awhile back but don't have it at the moment
As others mentioned it was likely abandoned. It was updated beyond prologue though and posted in the devs discord. I saw a link to an updated version awhile back but don't have it at the moment
I had heard that, but never got my hands on anything past the prologue. I'll have to look around.
Funny game, great POV positions, totally a masterpiece, a hidden gem
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Chances are we'll never get a continuation, but I have hope :cry:
It is an oldie with great potential, Mako the shark girl was *chef's kiss*. Unfortunately it will most likely stay abandoned.
The prologue is free on Steam, release date on there is June 20, 2019. There's a post in the forums from this January that the dev stated on his Discord that he wasn't going to work on this game anymore.
Saw it couple of years back but wasn't my cup of tea. Development doesn't seem to go anywhere i guess?
It was pretty decent, shame it was abandoned
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