It's way easier to make a bad game with rpgm, that's why so much of them are borderline unplayable but with a skilled dev who know how to design a game properly you can make a good game with it
i love RPGM games! sure, there's a lot of slop shovelled out by uninventive creators for sure but many of my favourite games are RPGM games! some people put a lot of genuine love and work into their RPGM games and RPGM games have a LOT of flexibility in them if you're good with javascript or even just have access to some of the better plugins, or even just with the base mechanics if you're willing to put some effort into it
Did you ever play:
Bawdy Traditions, Claire's Quest, Corrupting Jennifer, The Fall of Juliet, Lily of the Valley,
The Nights of Suburra, The Office Wife, Roundscape Adorevia, A Weekend with Jeff's Father,
Alansya Chronicles Fleeting Iris, Coming of Age?
Try them