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Deviant Art, what's the deal?

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Sep 23, 2023
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So, I've been on DA since about 2000 although due to 2008 site wide reset or something my OG account only lists deviant for 16 years. Point being, I was there in the beginning, I know how it was vs what it is now loosely (the functional differences & policy changes vs how thats actually been enforced or not).

I haven't been on DA much this year and 2020-2022 was only on it occassionally due to workload of wagieness vs college. Today going on it again, like apart from salty bit that print crap is now "core+ only" and premium freemium subscriber bs and the jenkieness of all that. (Like you can't sell stuff with out buying a subscript, even tho DA takes 90% royalty cut on yatta yatta, like its kinda uber shit deal but their defense now is "you can have subscribers that all pay you just to SEE your art" in patreon fashion argh....) Like that crap aside, ignore it for a minute....

Back in the day, you could only post "lewds" if they satisfied the MPAA conditions for R rating basically (to be "artistic nude" you delt with
>no fluids
>no open lower lips
>no nude phallus (erect or not)
>pubes were fence tier (could get cut, could be allowed)
>no butt holes
>no lol/shota nudes (ecchi allowed)

now like, remember back in 2006, 2012 and 2017 when google tried making loli a banned search word, well DevArt did that a few times. Now search loli hentai and there's 10k+/- hits and its some pretty like its not nearly as hardcore as pixiv but its stuff that absolutely woulda been prohibited on DevArt 10 years ago.

Also, apparently, its got a fair deal of welcomingness for even AI gen loli n shota

so like whats the deal with that? especially after summer 2023 crackdown on everything? Has DevArt just openly become as unmoderated almost as pixiv or like what's going on?

Cuz last year even it seems like it wasn't this tolerative and AI artwork on Dev Art from 2021-2022 was almost as bad as artstation with the #anti-ai movement cuz "muh piracy" BS.

Anyone got the details or something? Is it genuinely tolerated there or is it like "only certain ppls/stuff that falls through the cracks"?

Should one maybe focus on a monetized DevArt profile for more softcore works blog demos now that Pixiv and Patreon are just blanket banning everything? If not, aside from DIY of ones own platform as I've intro TLDR discussed in the Launcher Support thread, what other options exist similar to DevArt, Patreon, Pixiv, Subscribestar that aren't a buncha two timing corporate sleeze cucks?
Deviant art died awhile ago lol
Deviant art died awhile ago lol
well I mean yea. It kinda peaked in 2012 but then mostly lost out to everything else. Still used by lots today but not near as many as patreon or pixiv sure. I get that aspect, whats curious to me is that in this now Anti-AI n taboo crackdown, DevArt is like "not cracking down?" especially since historically it used to be stricter than literally everywhere else except in dealing with anthro/furry where anything was allowed it seemed.
I haven't been in deviant art in a while but yeah I can say it's a bit dead
I uploaded a lot of stuff on DA but somehow when I logged in like last year most of the stuff was already gone and I see the logos i made being used by others. I dont wanna bother anymore.
I am also sometimes amazed that many sites now completely do not moderate loli content, but I do not use pixiv
I honestly have no idea what's going on with DA management. The last desperate move was openly embracing AI art, which their userbase of traditional artists DEFINITELY wasn't going to like, and there's no way they didn't predict that
I don't have details but you're right, content moderation/standards have fallen through the floor in recent years, and don't get me started on what they did to search.
I think Tumblr and Twitter happened.
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