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Consuming pornographic content in game format vs other formats

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Jan 29, 2024
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Something that I've had conflicting feelings on is the use of porn games for getting off.
When I get horny, I find playing porn games scratches a really deep itch that I really enjoy, but that they're an absolutely horrible way to actually get off compared to other methods like videos and images.

It becomes very frustrating when I wanna jerk off and my first instinct is to play a porn game, I go on here or Fuck95, find a neat game, download it, play it, all with my hand on my dick, try to yank it, have it not go anywhere, realize I've wasted an hour, give up, go on nhentai or something, then finish in like 5-10 minutes.

I think it's because when you're playing a game, you actually have to use your brain to do stuff, whereas in other formats you don't need to use any brainpower at all.

Does anyone else relate to this?
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Yeah, using games as fap material requires some time to set up. It's not a quick fap and you're done. You can always play beforehand, unlock the scenes and have them saved in gallery for future uses, but it's not the same. Best to enjoy the experience is setting aside a couple of hours to enjoy the game, then reach a point where your horniness has peaked and fap to it. If you're just looking for the jerkoff, better look for CGs of the game rather than play it.
Something that I've had conflicting feelings on is the use of porn games for getting off.
When I get horny, I find playing porn games scratches a really deep itch that I really enjoy, but that they're an absolutely horrible way to actually get off compared to other methods like videos and images.

It becomes very frustrating when I wanna jerk off and my first instinct is to play a porn game, I go on here or Fuck95, find a neat game, download it, play it, all with my hand on my dick, try to yank it, have it not go anywhere, realize I've wasted an hour, give up, go on nhentai or something, then finish in like 5-10 minutes.

I think it's because when you're playing a game, you actually have to use your brain to do stuff, whereas in other formats you don't need to use any brainpower at all.

Does anyone else relate to this?
I can agree that the time commitment can definitely be annoying at times when your just trying to get off real quick or the game make you play for like 5 hours before giving you anything good but for me I kind of enjoy the process of building up over time as your playing letting yourself get immersed in the game eventuality getting to a (hopefully) good sex scene it as you said "scratches a really deep itch" that no other porn format really does for me
It's the trade off of having some interaction with the media which gives a bit of extra oomph from that connection and something that have no real connection to but is very focused.
Spot on.

The games I play nowadays are ones I pick due to interesting game mechanics or a good story. I would need a few extra hands to count the number of games I quit within 5 or 10 minutes due to extremely bad story or writing in general. They tend to (possibly) be played with "skip unseen text" ticked and deleted soon after. To be fair though, I've never really been interested in mainstream productions of pornography but instead always needed more of a connection to what is being shown or for it to trigger some specific kink or fantasy.
both are great for me, but game format, I really like the fact that in a game there is a story base and in certain games you have the possibility to make decisions based on your preferences.
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