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Developer Name
Punching Donut
Developer Links
Patreon - itch.io - Twitter - Discord - Steam
Publisher: Shady Corner Games Steam - Website - Twitter - Youtube
1.0.88 Itch
Latest Update
Sep 5, 2024
Release Date
May 9, 2020
  1. Windows

Book of Korvald tells the saga of a Norse scribe, and his alliance with a parasitic eldritch entity. Join forces with beautiful warrior nuns, sexy mythical figures and lustful interdimensional creatures to prevent our world from being devoured. Can you contain your sexual urges and fight to survive?​

2DCG, 2D Game, Male protagonist, Side-scroller, Platformer, Oral sex, Adventure, Combat, Animated, Horror, Big ass, Big tits, Corruption, Graphic violence, MILF, Monster girl, Pregnancy, Religion, RPG, Titfuck, Vaginal sex, Internal view, Sex toys, Group sex
Extract and run
- Added fast travel blocking event to prevent skipping the entrance to Haniel's Sanctum.
- Added several new item pickups that will teach the player crafting recipes.
- Troll scene in the gallery museum will now properly unlock after successfully seducing a troll.
- Renamed void servants to allow for their kill quest to function correctly.
- Normal game mode save files (first play through) can now be continued after beating the game.

- Keymap/Controller rebinding is now fully functional!
- Flasked drinks can now be swapped out for non-flasked drinks, as they were meant to work
- Redesigned the recipe windows slightly. Now uses pages rather than scrolling
- Fixed issue with ingredients being over consumed during crafting
- Revised the caverns map to no longer indicate a previously removed exit
- Fixed quest completion for Jotun and Void Servants
- Shades now sells several base crafting ingredients (wood, fur, iron)
- Juggernaut skill will be auto added when loading a game, if you missed picking it up
- The exits from Haniel's Sanctum now connect to the cathedral entrance, rather than outside the upper chambers
- Removed the player stat "Charisma" as it wasn't being used

- Adjusted some mechanics for push/pull walls to try and prevent some failures to operate.
- Offhands/crash/berzerker moves will now use stamina properly. Endless spamming of thrown offhands will no longer be possible.
- Enemies will now be knocked back slightly when hit by the player.
- Enemy stats will now scale based on game progression.
- Added visual queues to several important doorways to make following objectives easier to identify.
- Dungeon maps will now show objective icons ("?") when applicable.
- Loot tables for crafting items adjusted again to ensure plenty of Iron can be found.
- Tree golems will now always drop scrap wood.
- Mermaid and Slaugh sex animations have been updated slightly.
- Astrid's rescue event is no longer visible before Magda is captured by the Crucible.
- Reduced enemy AI delay when they are attacked.
- Lovense integration has been updated to allow certain desktop users to connect toys successfully.

- Adjusted the pushable block in the Caverns area. It will no longer get stuck.
- Screen resolution options will now default to 60hz when the game can not find available resolutions for your active refresh rate.
- Added clear instructions to recipe windows indicating how to close them
- Fixed a bad connecting path at the entrance to Jotunheim.

- Mixing station will now properly allow ales to be selected/mixed
- Updated recipe list display logic.
- Removed virtual mouse from world map, this should eliminate any input disconnections.
- Adjusted visibility of overhead text popups and action indicators
- Some dialog triggers now have wider areas of effect.

- Fixed issue causing controllers/mouse/keys to randomly stop functioning during gameplay, requiring a restart.
- Fixed bad connecting path between several doors in the crucible.
- Ally damage should no longer prevent the player from being able to hit enemies/bosses.

The Tower will once again use his "Coming Down" phase, allowing players to actually kill him.
Podge, Cinder and Endymion have been added to the tavern.
Loot tables updated again to now include more equipment possibilities. New items added as well.

Further navigation refinements of UI/menu elements for controller users.
Resolution dropdown will now show currently used refresh rate.
Selecting fast travel buttons on the map will now properly highlight the corresponding location.
The Journal page in the character menu has been expanded to now show collected keys, arcana, lore and career stats (kills, seductions, deaths).
Keys removed from stats page of character menu.
Accessibility update: Holding the attack button will now auto repeat attack swings.
Added combat feedback message when attacking any enemy who is in an invulnerable state.
Fixed a corner in cathedral catacombs causing the player to get stuck, added a berzerk upgrade to the same area.
Fixed confirmation windows. These will now use button commands directly rather that relying on buttons to click.
Fixed an odd animation loop in Korvald's run cycle.
Save and Load menu buttons are working as expected now.
Fixed connecting doors in Skjult Kloster
Reduced the range that Hel can kill you during the horse chase.
Fixed the jumping animation during the "Ivy Incident".
Fixed The Tower's animations that were being cut short.
Enemy and Ally AI has been updated to prevent getting hung up on decision making processes.

Greatly reduced load time by removing loading screens entirely across all non-cinematic scene transitions.
Added the ability to skip the death scene with Noraitha entirely if you choose.
Fixed odd game save bug. Current items and progress shouldn't carry over to old saves when loaded from an active game.
Game menus and their controller interactions have been dramatically improved.
Drop tables have been updated again. Multiple drops per enemy are now possible including crafting materials.

Removed some erroneous game code that was causing controllers and mouse buttons to stop working randomly
The REAL "?" room in the crucible has been added!
Hitting the offhand button without having an offhand equipped will no longer cause Korvald to pause
Randomized weapon specs have been fixed. The damage ranges shown in tooltips are now correct and no longer reflect crit damage as their range max.
Some of the less common weapons have had their minimum quality increased to prevent from getting "flimsy" or "common"
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused UI components (map/jibberish) to litter the screen during cinematic events.
The anvil in the Holy Crucible is now fixed and will not softlock the game.
Keybind icons will try to show abbreviated text for specific bindings.

Removed some erroneous game code that was causing controllers and mouse buttons to stop working randomly
The REAL "?" room in the crucible has been added!
Hitting the offhand button without having an offhand equipped will no longer cause Korvald to pause
Randomized weapon specs have been fixed. The damage ranges shown in tooltips are now correct and no longer reflect crit damage as their range max.
Some of the less common weapons have had their minimum quality increased to prevent from getting "flimsy" or "common"
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused UI components (map/jibberish) to litter the screen during cinematic events.
The anvil in the Holy Crucible is now fixed and will not softlock the game.
Keybind icons will try to show abbreviated text for specific bindings.

Made many corrections in controller navigation while viewing player menus and system menus.
Changed around a few controls with the Lovense menu. These should be more intuitive now.
Changed the "previous tab" button in the player menu to the map key (left trigger by default).
Fixed instant death honey pools in Beyla Shrine
Fixed Void area door from appearing too soon in Jotunheim.
Modified UI scaling to prefer screen width over height. (for ultra wide screens)
Fixed several non-functional console commands.
Fixed Bordeaux battle from repeating automatically.
Reduced overall bloom intensity to try and prevent blinding flashes.
Fixed several typo's in game dialog.
Made some timing changes to the epilogue cinematic vocals and music.
Boosted stat buff when playing in game plus mode

Fixed drop rates and loot tables are increased across the board.
Fixed locked door in Crucible leading to "?" on the map.
Save file loading has been revised to try and eliminate the possibility of transferring skills talents and allies to older saves.
Museum pedestals have been fixed. Seductions will now unlock properly. Beating the game unlocks all of the museum.
Cathedral basement door locks are removed leading to the Lovers boss. Iron walls remain.
Fixed issue with ascent skill causing korvald to get stuck inside of forest area platforms.
Fixed Qhrothun's eye flash.... again (I am so sorry)
Improved UI scaling for various UI components. Will do more in this regard soon as well.
Mirror (NPC) interaction is fixed and repeatable.
Axe in Jotunheim blacksmith area is easier to pick up now.
Fixed issue preventing Void Servants kill quest from counting kills properly

Fixed Noraitha arcana card event and recruitment
Added Countess Loveshanks event
Reduced all cooking timers to 60 seconds
Fixed bad doorway from Cliffs East to Cliffs central
Fixed initialization of Hati's head once it drops

Fixed issue preventing the completion of "Idol of the Mother" quest
Greatly reduced the Fool's throwing distance
Save files in game plus mode will now autosave back into Noraithas Tavern so that you can continue playing on that same save.
REALLY fixed land enemies falling in the water.
REALLY fixed being able to open underwater chests.
Changed the rendering layer for interaction icons.
Qveen's seduced scene is now working.
Fixed Death and Archbishops arcana card spawns.
Adjusted cameras in various forest locations.
Added Lovense panel under Controls menu
Fixed Sister of Iron Archer's re-seduction scene
Fixed bad return scene setting if you leave Death's sex scene
Fixed collider contacts for dialog triggers (mainly for the Dragon sisters)
Expanded hitboxes for underwater doors
Fixed missing waypoint in Skjult Kloster
Added escape door after the Queen Bee fight.
Adjusted actor positions in Hel cinematics.

Fixed soft lock when trying to recruit Opalu
Added missing ally details for Opalu and Cinder Dryad
Incresed image resolution for Haniel and Iron Mother sex scenes
Added teleporters to cathedral entrance when player is supposed to go to Haniel's Sanctum
Changed the cinematic sequence leading up to Haniel's Sanctum appearance
Fixed doorway connection from Gardens of Jord and Jelling Forest
Fixed doorway connection from Jotunheim blacksmith and the previous room
Fixed occasional extreme bloom lighting from Qhrothun
Removed the "Idol of the Mother" from cheat tables for loot.
Added iron wall to Skjult Forest to prevent early exploration of the southern map.
Fixed issue preventing the recipe window from opening while crafting
Moved iron wall in the Jelling Temple to prevent player clipping
Added missing voice acting for Hrotsvitha
Fixed the SLIDE tutorial that appears in the Hanged Man's chamber
Updated the visual effect for doorways to make them easier to see
Increased the collider size for Hati's Head when trying to pick it up.

Fixed The Fool, his throws should no longer YEET you off the stage.
Improved visibility of arcana cards when dropped.
Fixed bad doorway connection in Jelling.
Fixed Helheim bosses from registering as defeated in the overworld.
Further adjusted boss backstep force. Reduced a bit more now.
Fixed exit point in prison doorway (the one Ingrid needs to open for you). You will not get trapped behind the porticullis now.
Fixed achievement triggers for the dragon sisters and Shades.
Expanded the ingredients frame when smithing weapons/armor.
Adjusted pushable/pullable walls to prevent NPC's from moving them.
Adjusted the battle area for Hrotsvitha
Non swimming enemies who fall in the water should despawn now.
Adjusted the zoom level of cameras along the roads leading to Iron Abbey.
Fixed bad data paths for Linux users cloud saves.
Reduced bloom lighting from Qhroth'un's eye
Greatly increased your odds of getting all hats in the slot machine.

Fixed issue causing some bosses to respawn after being defeated.
Fixed issue with bosses LEAPING off the damned screen.
Fixed repeating dialog with Moka in the wolf den.
Fixed Hati's head reappearing after being collected.
Fixed controller bug (jump+attack) when closing the world map.
Adjusted camera zoom level in the prison system.
Fixed the door to Helheim, it will not eject you anymore.
Fixed mounted defense and damage (it is higher now as it is supposed to be)
Fixed berzerking points not appearing on the player HUD after gaining the skill.
The player will no longer be able to SLIDE without having the skill first.
Loading swirl goes away faster now.
Animations while mounted shouldn't break during dialogs now.
New music added to end game sequence.
Updated a few game credits.

Full Release

- The Save/Load window is now split into two independent menus. A Save menu which is only available during gameplay, and a Load menu.
- Adjusted many locations where moving from one door to the next was not positioning the player properly.
- Crumbling floors that require the Crash skill are now working properly. Players were able to fall through them giving them access to areas out of order.
- Talking to Sister Therese in her chambers will no longer cause unresponsiveness.
- Hrotsvitha missions will now properly reward artifacts. If you did a mission and did not get your item, then the mission will reappear as being available.
- Adjusted soldier/knight walk and attack speeds. They were not being very intimidating.

- Added an option in the system menu to disable autosaving
- Added a label to save slots to indicate which one is your active/autosaving file.
- Changed the display name on saved files to make them more readable.
- Updated the text colors in the player journal for readability.
- Removed the floating "TEST" dialog bubble from certain sex scenes.
- Fixed the "Return to Nerthus" objective. Talking to Nerthus in the caverns will now properly trigger new dialog options after you have completed the ocean floor event.
- Korvald will now properly put his weapons and helmet away while walking around the Iron Abbey. Allies will not follow you here either (they were never supposed to).
- Added another failsafe to the Iron Abbey if you got stuck with the "Speak to Olivina" objective. The basement key will appear before the basement door if you failed to get it from Olivina during the appropriate cutscene.

- Added the ability to overwrite the save data that you are currently using in the save menu (rather than simply reloading it).
- Added better fast travel buttons and objective tracking to the world map
- Added tooltip anchors to the character screen to keep tips in a readable but out of the way location for each slot type.
- Fixed an issue causing talents and health upgrades to vanish when creating new save slots.
- Fixed item stacking in your inventory. Identical items will now stack.
- Fixed an issue preventing item randomization from working properly. You will now see big differences in items based on their quality and mods.
- Restored the stack counters for all items and drinks in your inventory screen.

Bug Fixes:
- Item counts are visible once again in both inventory slots as well as crafting ingredient slots.
- Fixed an issue preventing the shady dealer's shop window from opening
- Fixed crafting window handing to try and clean up the overall experience
- The talent tree upgrade button will now properly hide itself when you are out of points or if max rank has been reached for that talent
- Shady dealer now properly plays exit dialog as intended
- Removed the tarot card drops from Magda and Haniel, these are no longer needed.
- Fixed the scraps of wood quest. Gathering wood scraps will now properly track progress.
- Made some code corrections to the talent point and health upgrade system. This change should remove remaining issues with these values being reset.

- Fixed issue preventing player movement after closing the crafting window.
- Fixed issue causing the game to lock when trying to view tavern expansions/missions
- Fixed timer bar issues with tavern expansions.
- Two key Iron Abbey events that can be missed if conditions are right, will now fire if they were missed by simply exiting and re-entering the main entrance to the abbey.
- Doors that are locked due to being unavailable in the demo will now properly highlight in red rather than green.

Fixed scenes featuring Iron Mother. A bug was making her invisible.
Added some more cutscenes meant to help guide the player between certain events.
Sister Therese will now talk about herself a bit in her chambers.

- Due to the massive number of changes from the last demo build, saved game data will be reset.
- Certain areas will no longer be accessible within the demo. The cliffs, abandoned well and crucible are now locked for the demo and will be available in the full version.
- Arcana cards will no longer reside in your inventory. Once collected they will appear in the new arcana chamber of the tavern.
- Kara's prison cell is now located at the bottom of the cistern (the upward shaft that exits the prison).
- Kara will no longer replace the curent ally. She will instead join you alongside anyone else that is following you.
- Ally seduction in the tavern now has a new mechanic. You will have to find appropriate gifts for some allies in order to seduce them. Some may not require gifts and can be seduced the moment they arrive at the tavern.
- Ally appropriate gifts have been spread accross the game world. Keep your eyes peeled.
- A "Journal" tab has been added to the game menu. This will allow you to view objectives and quest progress in one place
- The world map will also display current objectives both on the map itself and listed to the left
- The tavern now has several areas you can pay to have constructed. A kitchen, a library, a sex dungeon and a reflection chamber. Some of these areas require meeting certain allies before they are available to build.
- Once you have recruited Hrotsvitha and built her library, she will offer a service of expeditions to search for new artifacts you can use.
- Likewise, recruiting Lena and building her kitchen will unlock the ability to cook meals.
- Artifacts are no longer usable. They now have automatic/passive effects.
- The combo system has been replaced with aggression. You will build aggression over time while attacking enemies. Once you have the Berzerker skill (acquired from the Hanged Man), and you have a main weapon AND offhand weapon equipped, you can hold up and hit your main attack button consume aggression and unleash a berzerker attack.
- A new option was added to the game menu to make seducing enemies instant, meaning you will no longer have to watch Korvald pat his lap...etc. Just get to the sex scene already!
- There are some floors that are now breakable with the Crash skill (acquired from Magda). These floors restrict early access to areas of the cathedral (among other places) until you have defeated Magda.
- Added special doors/obstacles that can only be passed while a specific ally is with you. For example, there is now a lever controlled porticullis in the prison that requires you to have Ingrid with you to throw her arm and pull the lever.
- Some runic abilities have changed. Kenaz (fire) and Isa (ice) will now summon fire/ice elementals respectively. These elementals will rapidly hurl fire/ice at on screen enemies. Direct fire and ice attacks have been moved to certain barzerker attacks.

- Archbishop can be damaged during his boss battle as intended.
- Haniel arena platforms are no longer crumbling type. Also added some breakable pots so the player can try to get some healing/runic boosts.
- Player arrows can deflect enemy projectiles.

- Added a recipe list that you can view while at any crafting station.

- Bosses will no longer start walking backwards after getting hit with throwable objects.
- The Journal tab should now display lore properly.
- Opening the map will no longer cause an empty dialog box to appear.
- Player camera has been adjusted again. Minor tweak.

Major Change:
- Kara's prison cell has been relocated to the vertical cistern shaft (lowest part of the prison entrance).

New Features:
- You can now hide the dialog window by using the "map" button during cutscenes.
- All weapons now have underwater attacks.

- Weapons have undergone another round of balancing
- Tooltips (comparison frame) are now anchored in a way that keeps them on the screen.
- Camera panning up and down is once again possible by holding the corresponding direction buttons (while idle and not yet in cutscenes).
- Fixed some odd behaviors in Haniel and Kara cutscenes
- Fixed broken talent icons
- Adjusted enemy AI to make them more aggressive
- Fixed lore book texts.
- Fixed an issue causing sound effect spam while underwater.
- Adjusted camera zoom in several areas.
- Fixed reward spam when talking to Nerthus.

Bugs Fixed:
- Talent points will now save properly when creating new save files. Any points that were lost from a bad save will be refunded on next load.
- Available ingredients will now display properly when viewing the crafting windows

- The first forest area East of Ribe has been slightly redesigned. The lake now has fishing boats that you can use to jump across.
- The boss fight for The Lovers has been revised. To defeat the flying parasite, simply attack the orbs that the giant twins send towards you, causing them to erupt in beams that will damage the worm as it flies overhead.

Bugs Fixed:
- Pocket dimensions in the tavern basement are now properly allowing travel in and out of them.
- Ally affections are now tied to their respective allies properly
- New unfinished locations are now inaccessible to prevent game breaking issues.

- Tavern has new rooms attached and some allies have relocated themselves to different areas.
- Drinks indicator on the player HUD and combo points have swapped places.
- Bows no longer require arrows to fire and are now a forced two-hand weapon.
- Holding up and attack when equipped with a main hand and offhand weapon will now unleash powerful abilities (requires 5 berzerk/combo points)

Major Changes:
- Artifacts are no longer usable but rather now have passive effects.
- Weapons (main hand and off hand) now require varying amounts of stamina/power per use.
- Combo points are now referred to as aggression and can be spent to deploy throws, slams, and ultimates (more on that below)
- Bows are no longer off hand items but are two handed weapons and don't require collecting arrows to use.
- Overload transformations are temporarily absent from the game. They will return in a later update for specific events.
- Removed the artifacts "Stone of Delocation" and "Stone of Relocation".
- Unlocking of waypoints (previously via the Stone of Relocation) will now occur automatically when walking over rift cracks.
- Korvalds private dimension (safe house) can now be accessed directly via the basement of Noraitha's tavern.

New Stuff:
- Each boss in the game now has a small chance to drop powerful off hand items and some even rarer weapons.
- Most off hand weapons have hidden ultimate abilities. To use, have 5 aggression points saved and hold up + attack (previously used for artifacts).
- Swords, lances, spears, daggers and other thrustable weapons can now be used underwater.
- Several water based enemies added to the various bodies of water in the game.
- 1 new major arcana boss added below the cathedral
- 1 new ally/boss battle added near the roads outside of the Iron Abbey
- Mother Superior story events added
- Drinking contest added to tavern (requires having unlocked certain named allies)
- Tavern sex scenes added for Ingrid, Ester, Astrid, Jette, Qveen, Hrotsvitha, Zhedha and Nansi
- Extended intro sequence
- New title screen
- Many new easter eggs

- Added a new warning sign at the top of the troll area in the cliffs. Heed that warning you perverts!
- The "Seduce" option when talking to allies, will now trigger a brief dialog before taking them upstairs.
- The Beacon of Perversion artifact, when equipped, will allow you to seduce most allies in the tavern (provided they have a seduction scene available. I am working really hard to get the rest of them finished, please be patient!)
- Added new "x-ray" popup at the end of Haniel and Magda's sex scenes.
- Revised the world map to include the actual location of the Dark Forest and also show Haniel's sanctum when it becomes active.
- Updated Patron Saints listing inside of the safehouse.

- The ally option to "Spend the evening with me" (rogue-like "date" dungeon), has been temporarily removed. This feature will return in a big way in version 0.4.0.

- The objective "Find the Archbishop" will now go away when it is supposed to.
- Statues of Saint LeMond will now react properly with the artifact "Blessed Foot of Saint LeMond".
- Switched door entry positions for the Prison->Cathedral Catacombs corridor.
- Fixed some glitching sprites around the troll caves.
- Fixed a crash that was occurring during the overload form.
- Fixed a bad texture in the tentacled spawnlings that are created from the Berkano rune.
- Crafting will now properly remove equipment items when they are used as ingredients.
- Breath is no longer reset when going through doors in underwater areas.
- Defense stat coefficient from armor has been reduced slightly.
- Noraitha's dialog that sends you to locate Qveen has been updated to properly hint at the Dark Woods location.
- The event triggers in front of Qveen will no longer fire before you have defeated the archbishop.
- Amber Waves (Noraitha's quest to locate Chel) will now only be available after you have located and defeated Magda in the cathedral.

- Added objective markers to the world map. These will point players towards the correct areas needed to advance the main storyline.
- Added ally context menus. Clicking on ally unit frames will open options to dismiss an ally if need be. Named allies will have added options to make them either aggressive in combat or passive and refrain from attacking enemies.

- Fixed an issue causing the player to continue to climb beyond the length of climbable ropes/chains.
- Fixed boss drops and world pickup items that continuously appear after you have already received them.
- Fixed an impassable area in the "date" dungeon.
- Fixed the boss battle in the "date" dungeon.
- Fixed a long running script that was causing game crashes when running in the background for too long.
- Fixed malfunctioning save slot buttons.
- Reduced the AoE damage from the Blessed Foot artifact.
- Reduced strength modifiers for allies, bringing their damage output down to reasonable levels.
- Fixed several incorrect lines of dialog.
- Fixed an issue causing item context menus to continuously expand.
- Added Brother Lyustus' shop inventory to Hrotsvitha in the tavern, so that players do not lose access to his items even after recruiting him.


- Main menu and has been redesigned and is now also used on the title screen.
- New settings added for UI scaling and game difficulty.
- Crawl spaces will no longer prevent passage.
- Equipment pages are visible past page 1, also expanded max equipment capacity from 120 items to 240.
- Crafting weirdness (tooltips etc...) has been fixed.
- Enemy/Ally AI has been adjusted to prevent mindless jumping towards targets when it isn't necessary.
- Flying enemies will now lose altitude when hit, making it easier to pursue them when they are trying to escape.
- Chel will now properly offer trade in the tavern (selling herbs and grains for ale mixing).

- Added one new story event.
- Mother Superior has entered the crucible!
- Chel Helbun has an updated monster form!
- Improved the combat damage texts.
- Improved the damage from thrown offhands.
- Fixed an issue preventing damage and urge buildup.
- Fixed the remaining Chel Helbun story scenes.

- The Overpower button is now the Flask button. Overpower button functionality (throwing) has been merged into the Interact button.
- The Artifact icon located on the player HUD has been replaced with the active drink contained in your flask.
- The Urge bar/ring has been repurposed to show artifact usage cooldown. Urge is now represented as a vertical vein growing through the health orb.
- Maximum urge is denoted by the health orb turning blue (get it? blue ball?)
- The Equipment tab has been moved into a sub category of the Inventory tab, more on this below.
- The Lore tab has been renamed to Journal, and now features several sub categories discussed below.
- The effects of the rune Thurisaz, have been moved to the rune Hagalaz. Thurisaz now has a completely new effect, more on this below.
NEW CHARACTER: CHEL HELBUN! (aka: Chel Hellbunny)
- The legendary adult cosplayer, Chel Hellbunny, has entered our universe as the new character Chel Helbun!
- After defeating the Archbishop, talking to Noraitha will reveal a new endeavor she is undertaking that requires you to search the deepest parts of the woods.
- During your search you will encounter this new potential ally.
- Changed the drinking horn artifact into it's own equipment class, Flask.
- Added a new panel to the inventory tab showing flask slots.
- Flask slots can be loaded with multiple stacks of ale/elixir.
- Drinks can be taken from your flask by hitting the Flask button (previously overpower/throw), healing Korvald.
- Each different ale/elixir has it's own alcohol strength which will affect the new Ale meter, reflecting how drunk Korvald currently is.
- When the ale meter is filled, Korvald's tolerance will increase allowing a higher degree of drunkeness (up to 4 times the normal amount).
- The more drunk that Korvald becomes, the less pain he will feel (drastically increasing defenses). Drunk level will negatively affect his intelligence (elemental/rune/artifact damage) and slow his ability to regenerate focus (slide/dash/crash).
- Being drunk also reduces the amount of Urge that he will build up from damage. This will make it more difficult to have enough for corruptions, but will also allow his eldritch health regeneration to sustain more incoming damage.
- Lore has been changed to Journal, which has three subcategories.
-- Insights: Korvalds observations on the enemies and NPC's he kills/meets along the way.
-- Recordings: Conversations/dialogs between Korvald and others.
-- Discoveries: Crafting recipes that Korvald has stumbled upon.
- Inventory now has three subcategories
-- Items: Anything that Korvald cannot wear, swing or throw.
-- Equipment: Everything Korvald can wear, swing or throw.
-- Keys: Do I need to explain this one?
- New inventory tool: Sorting. Items can now be sorted by specific criteria, ascending or descending.
- New inventory tool: Select/Destroy. You can now multi-select items for removal to make organisation a little bit simpler.
- East of the Iron Abbey you will find the perillous Cliffs. Lined with unstable rope bridges and crawling with horrible trolls.
- Just East the cliffs, lies a massive fortress. The Order of the Holy Crucible, home to the Sisters of Steel.
- In the deepest reaches of the Hjortvad forest, werewolves have taken up residency. Their dens lie just beneath the surface and are filled with danger.
- The tavern and the blacksmith have been redesigned, and are now explorable.
- Major Arcana: The Moon.
- Sisters of Steel Captain: Jette Damsgaard.
- Thurisaz: "Raise Your Horns"
-- Major Effect: "Call upon the gods to fill me with mead. Immediately becoming as drunk as possible."
-- Minor Effect: "My flask will never run dry. When I have depleted my ale supply, my flask will always have little borrowed ale at the bottom."
- Berkano: "Living Nightmare"
-- Major Effect: "Channel essences of fertility into my polluted seed, immediately raising my urges to their maximum."
-- Minor Effect: "Active corrupted allies will randomly give birth to lesser void horrors."
- Raidho: "Black Sunshine"
-- Major Effect: "Summon the eldritch horse Svadilfari from the void, to carry me into battle."
-- Minor Effect: "Damage that I inflict while riding any horse is increased."
- New main hand weapons, unique armor pieces, and armor sets.
- The Overload effect (maxed combo points) now causes Korvald to become invincible for the duration but be unable to attack on his own. Instead the overloaded void energy explodes from his body in a volley of heat seeking projectiles.
- New affliction type: Fear (Zhedha special only right now)

Redesigned the talents/skills section of the character menu. Talents now have a proper talent tree design.
Added 3 new talents to choose from.
Updated the intro sequence with some visual improvements and dialog changes.
All thrown off-hand weapons have improved trajectory/speed/effects.
While Kara is following you, she now has a super attack you can use when her power meter is full (hold up and press the off-hand attack).
If for any reason you finished Nerthus quest to the ocean bottom, returned to complete the dialog about Groth and ultimately did not recruit Ingrid Bjerg, she will now appear next to Nerthus where you can talk to and have her join you.
Added more visual improvements to boss fights.

- Fixed an issue causing items to vanish when unequipping them.
- Fixed issue preventing use of urge power while having an active corrupted ally.
- Fixed an issue preventing some artifacts from working properly.
- Fixed an issue preventing Kara from following you while rescuing her or walking her to the campsite.
- Fixed issues causing enemies and allies to walk in place for a few seconds when being attacked.

Expanded Story:

  • Archbishop Reignvoldt, Archangel Haniel and a few other new bosses are now available to battle.
New Features:

  • Quests. Visit Noraitha in her tavern to inquire about jobs you can take on for gold.
  • Companions. Combat friendlies have been overhauled! There are now three types…
1: Minions – These are weak and very temporary (an example is the zombies that you can raise when using the Lantern of Creation).

2: Corrupted – Any (non-boss) enemy that you “recruit” using your urges will fall into this category. These allies will stay with you until they die or are replaced.

3: Ally – These are unique, named characters that will stay by your side until dismissed. On death they will resurrect when you enter a different area. They will also increase in level with you. The more you use a particular ally the stronger they will become. There is also a new tab that will appear in your book, giving you access to their stats and the ability to equip them with special ally gear that can be found throughout the game world.

  • Missions. These are essentially quests that your allies can embark on while you are not actively utilizing them. Missions are a great way to find ally specific gear.
Newly Added:

  • UI sounds (button click, hover …etc).
  • Vertical scroll bars added to the settings and controller menus so that players can access the full list of options in each.
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that was allowing players to fight the archbishop outside of the story progression.
  • Fixed a major bug in the dialog system that was impacting game saves as well as causing boss dialogs to become frozen.
  • Adjusted enemy blocking. When and how quickly they will block attacks is more randomized.
  • Corrupted allies will now show up properly in the new summoning shop at the tavern
  • Named allies will now be seated and accessible in the tavern
  • Fixed several areas around the Iron Abbey that were allowing players to fall through the world
  • Fixed the basement door in the Iron Abbey, you can no longer get soft locked into the room when the boss battle is inactive.
  • Fixed several dialogs that were finishing and exiting too quickly
  • You can now re-enter the Iron Abbey after defeating the Iron Mother, restoring access to dialogs with Sister Agatha. Olivina, Therese and Kara’s rooms will be locked however.
  • Fixed the dialog with Nerthus (Caverns) to properly offer a new dialog option after having visited the event on the ocean floor. NOTE: This final segment of conversation with Nerthus will lead to a new named ally joining your ranks.
  • Made some adjustments to rune ability damage. Big rune attacks will no longer rapidly destroy bosses but will do the damage they were intended to do.
  • Adjusted overpower attacks from Qhroth’un to now hit multiple enemies at once. It was feeling a little lackluster.
  • The new item comparison tooltip will now properly display equipped item stats.
  • Adjusted Hrotsvitha’s ranged attacks (flying books) to no longer push enemies off into the sunset.
  • Adjusted the global lighting in many stages. Allies and NPC’s were not being properly illuminated.
  • Fixed issue where dashing or jumping underwater would cause loss of control of the player.
  • Fixed issue with mounted horses causing loss of control of the player
  • Fixed issue with camera freezing in the prison reservoir
  • Fixed issue causing certain enemies to spam their death animations when executed
  • Fixed the levers in the cathedral library, they were not moving bookcases like they are supposed to.
  • Adjusted ally AI slightly to improve their ability to catch up to you when separated.
  • Fixed layering issues with tooltips
  • Added screen clamping to tooltips
  • Added comparison tooltip when looking at a piece of equipment that can replace something that you already have equipped.
New Stuff:
- Added Game controller support! The game should be able to detect and use nearly any controller that you have connected. NOTE: You will still need a mouse to click UI buttons or navigate the character menu. I will be adding full interface support in a later patch.
- Redesigned Maps! Now you have your world map like before but with new graphics and when you are in a dungeon (Prison, Cathedral ...etc) a second draggable map will appear showing you the dungeon layout.
- Fast travel! Visit Noraitha at the Ribe tavern if you haven't yet. Speaking to her for the first time will unlock a fast travel option that you can use from your world map to be instantly transported back to the tavern. Other locations will become available in future patches. NOTE: If you had already visited the tavern before this patch, you should already have the fast travel link activated. Just run your mouse over the Ribe icon on the world map.
- Fixed sound effect issues preventing weapon swing/hit sounds from playing their full duration or sometimes at all.
- More fixes for misc freezing during combat.
- Mounts now have sound effects
- Offhand items can now be found randomized like other gear.
- Added "Equip" and "Unequip" context options when clicking items in your inventory or equipped slots.
- NPC Dialog. Now the townsfolk you find walking around Ribe, the nuns wandering the halls of the Iron Abbey and the scribes in the cathedral library, can be interacted with for hints or idle chit-chat.

Some quick fixes:
- Fixed issue with equipped items disappearing.
- Fixed issue with enemy freezing during finishing moves, throws or combos.
- Boss re-summoning statues no longer require the artifact to engage.
- Thrown off-hand weapons will now work properly when crouching or jumping.
- Part 1 of 2: added full controller support. Next patch will include the UI to remap buttons.

Added the following graphics options:
- Full screen toggle
- Screen resolution selector
- Quality presets selector
- Texture quality selector
- VSync type selector
- New areas have been added even though their respective content will be coming in a later update. They are the Dark Woods, Gypsy Caravan (only one screen but will be an entire zone later on), and the Mountain Cliffs. These names are placeholders until I think of something better
- Many current zones have added mechanics. For example, the cathedral library has sliding bookcases that have to be moved to open the next screen, and the second bell tower now has ropes to allow climbing to it's top (where you can find another new artifact)
- Most Rune skills have been revamped. Now they have a main use (ie casting with full runic energy) and a passive ability tied to each one.
- Rune stones can be found throughout the game world that can be read to learn new runes. Unless of course you already have them from previous versions of the game. Check your rune tab to see what you already have.
- Item drops are now randomized with quality and enchantment variations.
- All boss fights have been massively revised, and are now repeatable (with the exception of Magda for now) by using the new "Stone of Relocation" artifact. Each boss has an updated loot table with rare drops that can be farmed if you so choose.
- Virtually ALL dialogs have been updated and a shit load more have been added. This also includes cut scenes at certain points in the game. I am still trying to figure out ways to tell various parts of this story that will not break pace or add confusion.
- The ability to throw enemies is now tied to a combo/aggression meter. Successful blows will fill the meter. At 3/4 of a bar you can perform a throw, attempting a throw with a full bar will perform the choke slam (insta-kill). These do not work on most bosses however.
- All Iron Abbey quest lines can be completed now, up to and including the boss battle with Agatha and Iron Mother. Winning this fight rewards a brand new sex scene.
- After the Iron Abbey conclusion there are a few new story events that will set up the next content update (0.2.0) which I am hard at work on.
not available
- Destructible junk in various rooms. Pots, boxes and even coffins for your wrecking pleasure. These will drop little health/power/sanity refills and sometimes consumables.
- Storage rooms are working now, check each one out to find items or keys (note that most doors that require keys are unlocked by default for now.)
- Weapons can now be equipped in either (and both) hands. Attacking will alternate between each hand making each weapon combination unique.
- 2 new sets of armor added to the game, 5 new weapons. Next update I will have an armory room added so you can try out everything available while the game is still in alpha.
- Many bug fixes for enemies, particularly the horrors. NO MORE REPLICATION!
- Several new rooms added. Flooded Passage (will be important soon), and the forest road to the cathedral.
- Level 1-0 "The Beginning" now has a small tutorial of sorts to highlight combat techniques that may not be obvious.
- Some new music added for certain rooms. Also added some sound effects to the Kara Aven prison sex scenario. The other sex scenes will get sounds in the next update.
- Various visual effects added to liven up the action a bit.
- For now I have filled the player inventory with a selection of weapons and armor for you to try out.
- City of Ribe added just after the sewers.
- Kara Aven's blacksmith shop added to Ribe. (Sex only for now, buying and selling items are coming soon)
- Sister of Iron guarding the Ribe exit will not let you pass (but has a nice consolation prize)
- Storage rooms added to secret path in the sewers (empty rooms for now but will contain loot and plot items soon)
- Reworked 2 enemies into new "infected" enemy types. These enemies will transform after being killed once. Killing them again will put an end to the nightmare.
Book of Korvald tells the saga of a Norse scribe, and his alliance with an eldritch entity named "Qhroth'un".

History does not tell us that Norse clans had scribes of their own. Their folklore is said to have been preserved through oral traditions exclusively, but this is not the truth. Many written sagas were damaging to the reputation of royal families and expository to the church. So these writings, along with their authors, were aggressively purged from existence. Korvald was one such scribe.
Korvald's is not a tale of heroism and justice, but of deceit and suffering provoked by powerful religious empires and unseen cosmic forces. His story begins as so many are ended. Family slain and taken from his now destroyed village, Korvald is branded as a heretic and seemingly condemned to death. The true purpose of his capture and torment are part of a much bigger and far more sinister agenda. In his darkest hour, Korvald is approached by Qhroth'un and an agreement is made that will change everything...
- Over 50 different female characters complete with sexual encounters. All raw, hot and fully animated.
Maps / Environments / Areas:
- Each chapter takes place across an entire country, spanning over 30 areas. Starting in Denmark near the city of Ribe, drawing inspiration from the conversion to Christianity that took place around the 9th century in Scandinavia.

- 200+ different weapons to find or buy from various shops. Axes, Swords, Maces, Whips, Spears, Flails, Daggers, Shields, and Books (yes books).

- 30+ different artifacts and special off-hand weapons to equip. You could raise the dead Templar knights as zombie minions, inflict plagues on nearby enemies, and even cause certain NPCs (and even some enemies) to strip naked (because... why not?).

- Korvald will discover the true meaning and origin of runes and runestones. Utilizing his unique insight into this powerful language, he will gain the ability to harness many destructive and helpful forces. Unleash flaming cyclones, lightning storms, arctic blizzards, healing waters and even summon eldritch creatures to aid you in combat.
Even More To Behold
-A talent tree comprised of 15 different talents that you can customize
-Over 30 unique boss battles
-Minigames (fishing, farming, ale brewing, drinking contests, arena battles)
-A repeatable roguelike dungeon system
-Unlockable galleries for repeat viewing of cinematics and sex scenes
-Fully voiced characters
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Book of Korvald tells the saga of a Norse scribe, and his alliance with a parasitic eldritch entity. Join forces with beautiful warrior nuns, sexy mythical figures and lustful interdimensional creatures to prevent our world from being devoured. Can you contain your sexual urges and fight to survive?​

2DCG, 2D Game, Male protagonist, Side-scroller, Platformer, Oral sex, Adventure, Combat, Animated, Horror, Big ass, Big tits, Corruption, Graphic violence, MILF, Monster girl, Pregnancy, Religion, RPG, Titfuck, Vaginal sex, Internal view, Sex toys, Group sex
Extract and run
- Added fast travel blocking event to prevent skipping the entrance to Haniel's Sanctum.
- Added several new item pickups that will teach the player crafting recipes.
- Troll scene in the gallery museum will now properly unlock after successfully seducing a troll.
- Renamed void servants to allow for their kill quest to function correctly.
- Normal game mode save files (first play through) can now be continued after beating the game.

- Keymap/Controller rebinding is now fully functional!
- Flasked drinks can now be swapped out for non-flasked drinks, as they were meant to work
- Redesigned the recipe windows slightly. Now uses pages rather than scrolling
- Fixed issue with ingredients being over consumed during crafting
- Revised the caverns map to no longer indicate a previously removed exit
- Fixed quest completion for Jotun and Void Servants
- Shades now sells several base crafting ingredients (wood, fur, iron)
- Juggernaut skill will be auto added when loading a game, if you missed picking it up
- The exits from Haniel's Sanctum now connect to the cathedral entrance, rather than outside the upper chambers
- Removed the player stat "Charisma" as it wasn't being used

- Adjusted some mechanics for push/pull walls to try and prevent some failures to operate.
- Offhands/crash/berzerker moves will now use stamina properly. Endless spamming of thrown offhands will no longer be possible.
- Enemies will now be knocked back slightly when hit by the player.
- Enemy stats will now scale based on game progression.
- Added visual queues to several important doorways to make following objectives easier to identify.
- Dungeon maps will now show objective icons ("?") when applicable.
- Loot tables for crafting items adjusted again to ensure plenty of Iron can be found.
- Tree golems will now always drop scrap wood.
- Mermaid and Slaugh sex animations have been updated slightly.
- Astrid's rescue event is no longer visible before Magda is captured by the Crucible.
- Reduced enemy AI delay when they are attacked.
- Lovense integration has been updated to allow certain desktop users to connect toys successfully.

- Adjusted the pushable block in the Caverns area. It will no longer get stuck.
- Screen resolution options will now default to 60hz when the game can not find available resolutions for your active refresh rate.
- Added clear instructions to recipe windows indicating how to close them
- Fixed a bad connecting path at the entrance to Jotunheim.

- Mixing station will now properly allow ales to be selected/mixed
- Updated recipe list display logic.
- Removed virtual mouse from world map, this should eliminate any input disconnections.
- Adjusted visibility of overhead text popups and action indicators
- Some dialog triggers now have wider areas of effect.

- Fixed issue causing controllers/mouse/keys to randomly stop functioning during gameplay, requiring a restart.
- Fixed bad connecting path between several doors in the crucible.
- Ally damage should no longer prevent the player from being able to hit enemies/bosses.

The Tower will once again use his "Coming Down" phase, allowing players to actually kill him.
Podge, Cinder and Endymion have been added to the tavern.
Loot tables updated again to now include more equipment possibilities. New items added as well.

Further navigation refinements of UI/menu elements for controller users.
Resolution dropdown will now show currently used refresh rate.
Selecting fast travel buttons on the map will now properly highlight the corresponding location.
The Journal page in the character menu has been expanded to now show collected keys, arcana, lore and career stats (kills, seductions, deaths).
Keys removed from stats page of character menu.
Accessibility update: Holding the attack button will now auto repeat attack swings.
Added combat feedback message when attacking any enemy who is in an invulnerable state.
Fixed a corner in cathedral catacombs causing the player to get stuck, added a berzerk upgrade to the same area.
Fixed confirmation windows. These will now use button commands directly rather that relying on buttons to click.
Fixed an odd animation loop in Korvald's run cycle.
Save and Load menu buttons are working as expected now.
Fixed connecting doors in Skjult Kloster
Reduced the range that Hel can kill you during the horse chase.
Fixed the jumping animation during the "Ivy Incident".
Fixed The Tower's animations that were being cut short.
Enemy and Ally AI has been updated to prevent getting hung up on decision making processes.

Greatly reduced load time by removing loading screens entirely across all non-cinematic scene transitions.
Added the ability to skip the death scene with Noraitha entirely if you choose.
Fixed odd game save bug. Current items and progress shouldn't carry over to old saves when loaded from an active game.
Game menus and their controller interactions have been dramatically improved.
Drop tables have been updated again. Multiple drops per enemy are now possible including crafting materials.

Removed some erroneous game code that was causing controllers and mouse buttons to stop working randomly
The REAL "?" room in the crucible has been added!
Hitting the offhand button without having an offhand equipped will no longer cause Korvald to pause
Randomized weapon specs have been fixed. The damage ranges shown in tooltips are now correct and no longer reflect crit damage as their range max.
Some of the less common weapons have had their minimum quality increased to prevent from getting "flimsy" or "common"
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused UI components (map/jibberish) to litter the screen during cinematic events.
The anvil in the Holy Crucible is now fixed and will not softlock the game.
Keybind icons will try to show abbreviated text for specific bindings.

Removed some erroneous game code that was causing controllers and mouse buttons to stop working randomly
The REAL "?" room in the crucible has been added!
Hitting the offhand button without having an offhand equipped will no longer cause Korvald to pause
Randomized weapon specs have been fixed. The damage ranges shown in tooltips are now correct and no longer reflect crit damage as their range max.
Some of the less common weapons have had their minimum quality increased to prevent from getting "flimsy" or "common"
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused UI components (map/jibberish) to litter the screen during cinematic events.
The anvil in the Holy Crucible is now fixed and will not softlock the game.
Keybind icons will try to show abbreviated text for specific bindings.

Made many corrections in controller navigation while viewing player menus and system menus.
Changed around a few controls with the Lovense menu. These should be more intuitive now.
Changed the "previous tab" button in the player menu to the map key (left trigger by default).
Fixed instant death honey pools in Beyla Shrine
Fixed Void area door from appearing too soon in Jotunheim.
Modified UI scaling to prefer screen width over height. (for ultra wide screens)
Fixed several non-functional console commands.
Fixed Bordeaux battle from repeating automatically.
Reduced overall bloom intensity to try and prevent blinding flashes.
Fixed several typo's in game dialog.
Made some timing changes to the epilogue cinematic vocals and music.
Boosted stat buff when playing in game plus mode

Fixed drop rates and loot tables are increased across the board.
Fixed locked door in Crucible leading to "?" on the map.
Save file loading has been revised to try and eliminate the possibility of transferring skills talents and allies to older saves.
Museum pedestals have been fixed. Seductions will now unlock properly. Beating the game unlocks all of the museum.
Cathedral basement door locks are removed leading to the Lovers boss. Iron walls remain.
Fixed issue with ascent skill causing korvald to get stuck inside of forest area platforms.
Fixed Qhrothun's eye flash.... again (I am so sorry)
Improved UI scaling for various UI components. Will do more in this regard soon as well.
Mirror (NPC) interaction is fixed and repeatable.
Axe in Jotunheim blacksmith area is easier to pick up now.
Fixed issue preventing Void Servants kill quest from counting kills properly

Fixed Noraitha arcana card event and recruitment
Added Countess Loveshanks event
Reduced all cooking timers to 60 seconds
Fixed bad doorway from Cliffs East to Cliffs central
Fixed initialization of Hati's head once it drops

Fixed issue preventing the completion of "Idol of the Mother" quest
Greatly reduced the Fool's throwing distance
Save files in game plus mode will now autosave back into Noraithas Tavern so that you can continue playing on that same save.
REALLY fixed land enemies falling in the water.
REALLY fixed being able to open underwater chests.
Changed the rendering layer for interaction icons.
Qveen's seduced scene is now working.
Fixed Death and Archbishops arcana card spawns.
Adjusted cameras in various forest locations.
Added Lovense panel under Controls menu
Fixed Sister of Iron Archer's re-seduction scene
Fixed bad return scene setting if you leave Death's sex scene
Fixed collider contacts for dialog triggers (mainly for the Dragon sisters)
Expanded hitboxes for underwater doors
Fixed missing waypoint in Skjult Kloster
Added escape door after the Queen Bee fight.
Adjusted actor positions in Hel cinematics.

Fixed soft lock when trying to recruit Opalu
Added missing ally details for Opalu and Cinder Dryad
Incresed image resolution for Haniel and Iron Mother sex scenes
Added teleporters to cathedral entrance when player is supposed to go to Haniel's Sanctum
Changed the cinematic sequence leading up to Haniel's Sanctum appearance
Fixed doorway connection from Gardens of Jord and Jelling Forest
Fixed doorway connection from Jotunheim blacksmith and the previous room
Fixed occasional extreme bloom lighting from Qhrothun
Removed the "Idol of the Mother" from cheat tables for loot.
Added iron wall to Skjult Forest to prevent early exploration of the southern map.
Fixed issue preventing the recipe window from opening while crafting
Moved iron wall in the Jelling Temple to prevent player clipping
Added missing voice acting for Hrotsvitha
Fixed the SLIDE tutorial that appears in the Hanged Man's chamber
Updated the visual effect for doorways to make them easier to see
Increased the collider size for Hati's Head when trying to pick it up.

Fixed The Fool, his throws should no longer YEET you off the stage.
Improved visibility of arcana cards when dropped.
Fixed bad doorway connection in Jelling.
Fixed Helheim bosses from registering as defeated in the overworld.
Further adjusted boss backstep force. Reduced a bit more now.
Fixed exit point in prison doorway (the one Ingrid needs to open for you). You will not get trapped behind the porticullis now.
Fixed achievement triggers for the dragon sisters and Shades.
Expanded the ingredients frame when smithing weapons/armor.
Adjusted pushable/pullable walls to prevent NPC's from moving them.
Adjusted the battle area for Hrotsvitha
Non swimming enemies who fall in the water should despawn now.
Adjusted the zoom level of cameras along the roads leading to Iron Abbey.
Fixed bad data paths for Linux users cloud saves.
Reduced bloom lighting from Qhroth'un's eye
Greatly increased your odds of getting all hats in the slot machine.

Fixed issue causing some bosses to respawn after being defeated.
Fixed issue with bosses LEAPING off the damned screen.
Fixed repeating dialog with Moka in the wolf den.
Fixed Hati's head reappearing after being collected.
Fixed controller bug (jump+attack) when closing the world map.
Adjusted camera zoom level in the prison system.
Fixed the door to Helheim, it will not eject you anymore.
Fixed mounted defense and damage (it is higher now as it is supposed to be)
Fixed berzerking points not appearing on the player HUD after gaining the skill.
The player will no longer be able to SLIDE without having the skill first.
Loading swirl goes away faster now.
Animations while mounted shouldn't break during dialogs now.
New music added to end game sequence.
Updated a few game credits.

Full Release

- The Save/Load window is now split into two independent menus. A Save menu which is only available during gameplay, and a Load menu.
- Adjusted many locations where moving from one door to the next was not positioning the player properly.
- Crumbling floors that require the Crash skill are now working properly. Players were able to fall through them giving them access to areas out of order.
- Talking to Sister Therese in her chambers will no longer cause unresponsiveness.
- Hrotsvitha missions will now properly reward artifacts. If you did a mission and did not get your item, then the mission will reappear as being available.
- Adjusted soldier/knight walk and attack speeds. They were not being very intimidating.

- Added an option in the system menu to disable autosaving
- Added a label to save slots to indicate which one is your active/autosaving file.
- Changed the display name on saved files to make them more readable.
- Updated the text colors in the player journal for readability.
- Removed the floating "TEST" dialog bubble from certain sex scenes.
- Fixed the "Return to Nerthus" objective. Talking to Nerthus in the caverns will now properly trigger new dialog options after you have completed the ocean floor event.
- Korvald will now properly put his weapons and helmet away while walking around the Iron Abbey. Allies will not follow you here either (they were never supposed to).
- Added another failsafe to the Iron Abbey if you got stuck with the "Speak to Olivina" objective. The basement key will appear before the basement door if you failed to get it from Olivina during the appropriate cutscene.

- Added the ability to overwrite the save data that you are currently using in the save menu (rather than simply reloading it).
- Added better fast travel buttons and objective tracking to the world map
- Added tooltip anchors to the character screen to keep tips in a readable but out of the way location for each slot type.
- Fixed an issue causing talents and health upgrades to vanish when creating new save slots.
- Fixed item stacking in your inventory. Identical items will now stack.
- Fixed an issue preventing item randomization from working properly. You will now see big differences in items based on their quality and mods.
- Restored the stack counters for all items and drinks in your inventory screen.

Bug Fixes:
- Item counts are visible once again in both inventory slots as well as crafting ingredient slots.
- Fixed an issue preventing the shady dealer's shop window from opening
- Fixed crafting window handing to try and clean up the overall experience
- The talent tree upgrade button will now properly hide itself when you are out of points or if max rank has been reached for that talent
- Shady dealer now properly plays exit dialog as intended
- Removed the tarot card drops from Magda and Haniel, these are no longer needed.
- Fixed the scraps of wood quest. Gathering wood scraps will now properly track progress.
- Made some code corrections to the talent point and health upgrade system. This change should remove remaining issues with these values being reset.

- Fixed issue preventing player movement after closing the crafting window.
- Fixed issue causing the game to lock when trying to view tavern expansions/missions
- Fixed timer bar issues with tavern expansions.
- Two key Iron Abbey events that can be missed if conditions are right, will now fire if they were missed by simply exiting and re-entering the main entrance to the abbey.
- Doors that are locked due to being unavailable in the demo will now properly highlight in red rather than green.

Fixed scenes featuring Iron Mother. A bug was making her invisible.
Added some more cutscenes meant to help guide the player between certain events.
Sister Therese will now talk about herself a bit in her chambers.

- Due to the massive number of changes from the last demo build, saved game data will be reset.
- Certain areas will no longer be accessible within the demo. The cliffs, abandoned well and crucible are now locked for the demo and will be available in the full version.
- Arcana cards will no longer reside in your inventory. Once collected they will appear in the new arcana chamber of the tavern.
- Kara's prison cell is now located at the bottom of the cistern (the upward shaft that exits the prison).
- Kara will no longer replace the curent ally. She will instead join you alongside anyone else that is following you.
- Ally seduction in the tavern now has a new mechanic. You will have to find appropriate gifts for some allies in order to seduce them. Some may not require gifts and can be seduced the moment they arrive at the tavern.
- Ally appropriate gifts have been spread accross the game world. Keep your eyes peeled.
- A "Journal" tab has been added to the game menu. This will allow you to view objectives and quest progress in one place
- The world map will also display current objectives both on the map itself and listed to the left
- The tavern now has several areas you can pay to have constructed. A kitchen, a library, a sex dungeon and a reflection chamber. Some of these areas require meeting certain allies before they are available to build.
- Once you have recruited Hrotsvitha and built her library, she will offer a service of expeditions to search for new artifacts you can use.
- Likewise, recruiting Lena and building her kitchen will unlock the ability to cook meals.
- Artifacts are no longer usable. They now have automatic/passive effects.
- The combo system has been replaced with aggression. You will build aggression over time while attacking enemies. Once you have the Berzerker skill (acquired from the Hanged Man), and you have a main weapon AND offhand weapon equipped, you can hold up and hit your main attack button consume aggression and unleash a berzerker attack.
- A new option was added to the game menu to make seducing enemies instant, meaning you will no longer have to watch Korvald pat his lap...etc. Just get to the sex scene already!
- There are some floors that are now breakable with the Crash skill (acquired from Magda). These floors restrict early access to areas of the cathedral (among other places) until you have defeated Magda.
- Added special doors/obstacles that can only be passed while a specific ally is with you. For example, there is now a lever controlled porticullis in the prison that requires you to have Ingrid with you to throw her arm and pull the lever.
- Some runic abilities have changed. Kenaz (fire) and Isa (ice) will now summon fire/ice elementals respectively. These elementals will rapidly hurl fire/ice at on screen enemies. Direct fire and ice attacks have been moved to certain barzerker attacks.

- Archbishop can be damaged during his boss battle as intended.
- Haniel arena platforms are no longer crumbling type. Also added some breakable pots so the player can try to get some healing/runic boosts.
- Player arrows can deflect enemy projectiles.

- Added a recipe list that you can view while at any crafting station.

- Bosses will no longer start walking backwards after getting hit with throwable objects.
- The Journal tab should now display lore properly.
- Opening the map will no longer cause an empty dialog box to appear.
- Player camera has been adjusted again. Minor tweak.

Major Change:
- Kara's prison cell has been relocated to the vertical cistern shaft (lowest part of the prison entrance).

New Features:
- You can now hide the dialog window by using the "map" button during cutscenes.
- All weapons now have underwater attacks.

- Weapons have undergone another round of balancing
- Tooltips (comparison frame) are now anchored in a way that keeps them on the screen.
- Camera panning up and down is once again possible by holding the corresponding direction buttons (while idle and not yet in cutscenes).
- Fixed some odd behaviors in Haniel and Kara cutscenes
- Fixed broken talent icons
- Adjusted enemy AI to make them more aggressive
- Fixed lore book texts.
- Fixed an issue causing sound effect spam while underwater.
- Adjusted camera zoom in several areas.
- Fixed reward spam when talking to Nerthus.

Bugs Fixed:
- Talent points will now save properly when creating new save files. Any points that were lost from a bad save will be refunded on next load.
- Available ingredients will now display properly when viewing the crafting windows

- The first forest area East of Ribe has been slightly redesigned. The lake now has fishing boats that you can use to jump across.
- The boss fight for The Lovers has been revised. To defeat the flying parasite, simply attack the orbs that the giant twins send towards you, causing them to erupt in beams that will damage the worm as it flies overhead.

Bugs Fixed:
- Pocket dimensions in the tavern basement are now properly allowing travel in and out of them.
- Ally affections are now tied to their respective allies properly
- New unfinished locations are now inaccessible to prevent game breaking issues.

- Tavern has new rooms attached and some allies have relocated themselves to different areas.
- Drinks indicator on the player HUD and combo points have swapped places.
- Bows no longer require arrows to fire and are now a forced two-hand weapon.
- Holding up and attack when equipped with a main hand and offhand weapon will now unleash powerful abilities (requires 5 berzerk/combo points)

Major Changes:
- Artifacts are no longer usable but rather now have passive effects.
- Weapons (main hand and off hand) now require varying amounts of stamina/power per use.
- Combo points are now referred to as aggression and can be spent to deploy throws, slams, and ultimates (more on that below)
- Bows are no longer off hand items but are two handed weapons and don't require collecting arrows to use.
- Overload transformations are temporarily absent from the game. They will return in a later update for specific events.
- Removed the artifacts "Stone of Delocation" and "Stone of Relocation".
- Unlocking of waypoints (previously via the Stone of Relocation) will now occur automatically when walking over rift cracks.
- Korvalds private dimension (safe house) can now be accessed directly via the basement of Noraitha's tavern.

New Stuff:
- Each boss in the game now has a small chance to drop powerful off hand items and some even rarer weapons.
- Most off hand weapons have hidden ultimate abilities. To use, have 5 aggression points saved and hold up + attack (previously used for artifacts).
- Swords, lances, spears, daggers and other thrustable weapons can now be used underwater.
- Several water based enemies added to the various bodies of water in the game.
- 1 new major arcana boss added below the cathedral
- 1 new ally/boss battle added near the roads outside of the Iron Abbey
- Mother Superior story events added
- Drinking contest added to tavern (requires having unlocked certain named allies)
- Tavern sex scenes added for Ingrid, Ester, Astrid, Jette, Qveen, Hrotsvitha, Zhedha and Nansi
- Extended intro sequence
- New title screen
- Many new easter eggs

- Added a new warning sign at the top of the troll area in the cliffs. Heed that warning you perverts!
- The "Seduce" option when talking to allies, will now trigger a brief dialog before taking them upstairs.
- The Beacon of Perversion artifact, when equipped, will allow you to seduce most allies in the tavern (provided they have a seduction scene available. I am working really hard to get the rest of them finished, please be patient!)
- Added new "x-ray" popup at the end of Haniel and Magda's sex scenes.
- Revised the world map to include the actual location of the Dark Forest and also show Haniel's sanctum when it becomes active.
- Updated Patron Saints listing inside of the safehouse.

- The ally option to "Spend the evening with me" (rogue-like "date" dungeon), has been temporarily removed. This feature will return in a big way in version 0.4.0.

- The objective "Find the Archbishop" will now go away when it is supposed to.
- Statues of Saint LeMond will now react properly with the artifact "Blessed Foot of Saint LeMond".
- Switched door entry positions for the Prison->Cathedral Catacombs corridor.
- Fixed some glitching sprites around the troll caves.
- Fixed a crash that was occurring during the overload form.
- Fixed a bad texture in the tentacled spawnlings that are created from the Berkano rune.
- Crafting will now properly remove equipment items when they are used as ingredients.
- Breath is no longer reset when going through doors in underwater areas.
- Defense stat coefficient from armor has been reduced slightly.
- Noraitha's dialog that sends you to locate Qveen has been updated to properly hint at the Dark Woods location.
- The event triggers in front of Qveen will no longer fire before you have defeated the archbishop.
- Amber Waves (Noraitha's quest to locate Chel) will now only be available after you have located and defeated Magda in the cathedral.

- Added objective markers to the world map. These will point players towards the correct areas needed to advance the main storyline.
- Added ally context menus. Clicking on ally unit frames will open options to dismiss an ally if need be. Named allies will have added options to make them either aggressive in combat or passive and refrain from attacking enemies.

- Fixed an issue causing the player to continue to climb beyond the length of climbable ropes/chains.
- Fixed boss drops and world pickup items that continuously appear after you have already received them.
- Fixed an impassable area in the "date" dungeon.
- Fixed the boss battle in the "date" dungeon.
- Fixed a long running script that was causing game crashes when running in the background for too long.
- Fixed malfunctioning save slot buttons.
- Reduced the AoE damage from the Blessed Foot artifact.
- Reduced strength modifiers for allies, bringing their damage output down to reasonable levels.
- Fixed several incorrect lines of dialog.
- Fixed an issue causing item context menus to continuously expand.
- Added Brother Lyustus' shop inventory to Hrotsvitha in the tavern, so that players do not lose access to his items even after recruiting him.


- Main menu and has been redesigned and is now also used on the title screen.
- New settings added for UI scaling and game difficulty.
- Crawl spaces will no longer prevent passage.
- Equipment pages are visible past page 1, also expanded max equipment capacity from 120 items to 240.
- Crafting weirdness (tooltips etc...) has been fixed.
- Enemy/Ally AI has been adjusted to prevent mindless jumping towards targets when it isn't necessary.
- Flying enemies will now lose altitude when hit, making it easier to pursue them when they are trying to escape.
- Chel will now properly offer trade in the tavern (selling herbs and grains for ale mixing).

- Added one new story event.
- Mother Superior has entered the crucible!
- Chel Helbun has an updated monster form!
- Improved the combat damage texts.
- Improved the damage from thrown offhands.
- Fixed an issue preventing damage and urge buildup.
- Fixed the remaining Chel Helbun story scenes.

- The Overpower button is now the Flask button. Overpower button functionality (throwing) has been merged into the Interact button.
- The Artifact icon located on the player HUD has been replaced with the active drink contained in your flask.
- The Urge bar/ring has been repurposed to show artifact usage cooldown. Urge is now represented as a vertical vein growing through the health orb.
- Maximum urge is denoted by the health orb turning blue (get it? blue ball?)
- The Equipment tab has been moved into a sub category of the Inventory tab, more on this below.
- The Lore tab has been renamed to Journal, and now features several sub categories discussed below.
- The effects of the rune Thurisaz, have been moved to the rune Hagalaz. Thurisaz now has a completely new effect, more on this below.
NEW CHARACTER: CHEL HELBUN! (aka: Chel Hellbunny)
- The legendary adult cosplayer, Chel Hellbunny, has entered our universe as the new character Chel Helbun!
- After defeating the Archbishop, talking to Noraitha will reveal a new endeavor she is undertaking that requires you to search the deepest parts of the woods.
- During your search you will encounter this new potential ally.
- Changed the drinking horn artifact into it's own equipment class, Flask.
- Added a new panel to the inventory tab showing flask slots.
- Flask slots can be loaded with multiple stacks of ale/elixir.
- Drinks can be taken from your flask by hitting the Flask button (previously overpower/throw), healing Korvald.
- Each different ale/elixir has it's own alcohol strength which will affect the new Ale meter, reflecting how drunk Korvald currently is.
- When the ale meter is filled, Korvald's tolerance will increase allowing a higher degree of drunkeness (up to 4 times the normal amount).
- The more drunk that Korvald becomes, the less pain he will feel (drastically increasing defenses). Drunk level will negatively affect his intelligence (elemental/rune/artifact damage) and slow his ability to regenerate focus (slide/dash/crash).
- Being drunk also reduces the amount of Urge that he will build up from damage. This will make it more difficult to have enough for corruptions, but will also allow his eldritch health regeneration to sustain more incoming damage.
- Lore has been changed to Journal, which has three subcategories.
-- Insights: Korvalds observations on the enemies and NPC's he kills/meets along the way.
-- Recordings: Conversations/dialogs between Korvald and others.
-- Discoveries: Crafting recipes that Korvald has stumbled upon.
- Inventory now has three subcategories
-- Items: Anything that Korvald cannot wear, swing or throw.
-- Equipment: Everything Korvald can wear, swing or throw.
-- Keys: Do I need to explain this one?
- New inventory tool: Sorting. Items can now be sorted by specific criteria, ascending or descending.
- New inventory tool: Select/Destroy. You can now multi-select items for removal to make organisation a little bit simpler.
- East of the Iron Abbey you will find the perillous Cliffs. Lined with unstable rope bridges and crawling with horrible trolls.
- Just East the cliffs, lies a massive fortress. The Order of the Holy Crucible, home to the Sisters of Steel.
- In the deepest reaches of the Hjortvad forest, werewolves have taken up residency. Their dens lie just beneath the surface and are filled with danger.
- The tavern and the blacksmith have been redesigned, and are now explorable.
- Major Arcana: The Moon.
- Sisters of Steel Captain: Jette Damsgaard.
- Thurisaz: "Raise Your Horns"
-- Major Effect: "Call upon the gods to fill me with mead. Immediately becoming as drunk as possible."
-- Minor Effect: "My flask will never run dry. When I have depleted my ale supply, my flask will always have little borrowed ale at the bottom."
- Berkano: "Living Nightmare"
-- Major Effect: "Channel essences of fertility into my polluted seed, immediately raising my urges to their maximum."
-- Minor Effect: "Active corrupted allies will randomly give birth to lesser void horrors."
- Raidho: "Black Sunshine"
-- Major Effect: "Summon the eldritch horse Svadilfari from the void, to carry me into battle."
-- Minor Effect: "Damage that I inflict while riding any horse is increased."
- New main hand weapons, unique armor pieces, and armor sets.
- The Overload effect (maxed combo points) now causes Korvald to become invincible for the duration but be unable to attack on his own. Instead the overloaded void energy explodes from his body in a volley of heat seeking projectiles.
- New affliction type: Fear (Zhedha special only right now)

Redesigned the talents/skills section of the character menu. Talents now have a proper talent tree design.
Added 3 new talents to choose from.
Updated the intro sequence with some visual improvements and dialog changes.
All thrown off-hand weapons have improved trajectory/speed/effects.
While Kara is following you, she now has a super attack you can use when her power meter is full (hold up and press the off-hand attack).
If for any reason you finished Nerthus quest to the ocean bottom, returned to complete the dialog about Groth and ultimately did not recruit Ingrid Bjerg, she will now appear next to Nerthus where you can talk to and have her join you.
Added more visual improvements to boss fights.

- Fixed an issue causing items to vanish when unequipping them.
- Fixed issue preventing use of urge power while having an active corrupted ally.
- Fixed an issue preventing some artifacts from working properly.
- Fixed an issue preventing Kara from following you while rescuing her or walking her to the campsite.
- Fixed issues causing enemies and allies to walk in place for a few seconds when being attacked.

Expanded Story:

  • Archbishop Reignvoldt, Archangel Haniel and a few other new bosses are now available to battle.
New Features:

  • Quests. Visit Noraitha in her tavern to inquire about jobs you can take on for gold.
  • Companions. Combat friendlies have been overhauled! There are now three types…
1: Minions – These are weak and very temporary (an example is the zombies that you can raise when using the Lantern of Creation).

2: Corrupted – Any (non-boss) enemy that you “recruit” using your urges will fall into this category. These allies will stay with you until they die or are replaced.

3: Ally – These are unique, named characters that will stay by your side until dismissed. On death they will resurrect when you enter a different area. They will also increase in level with you. The more you use a particular ally the stronger they will become. There is also a new tab that will appear in your book, giving you access to their stats and the ability to equip them with special ally gear that can be found throughout the game world.

  • Missions. These are essentially quests that your allies can embark on while you are not actively utilizing them. Missions are a great way to find ally specific gear.
Newly Added:

  • UI sounds (button click, hover …etc).
  • Vertical scroll bars added to the settings and controller menus so that players can access the full list of options in each.
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that was allowing players to fight the archbishop outside of the story progression.
  • Fixed a major bug in the dialog system that was impacting game saves as well as causing boss dialogs to become frozen.
  • Adjusted enemy blocking. When and how quickly they will block attacks is more randomized.
  • Corrupted allies will now show up properly in the new summoning shop at the tavern
  • Named allies will now be seated and accessible in the tavern
  • Fixed several areas around the Iron Abbey that were allowing players to fall through the world
  • Fixed the basement door in the Iron Abbey, you can no longer get soft locked into the room when the boss battle is inactive.
  • Fixed several dialogs that were finishing and exiting too quickly
  • You can now re-enter the Iron Abbey after defeating the Iron Mother, restoring access to dialogs with Sister Agatha. Olivina, Therese and Kara’s rooms will be locked however.
  • Fixed the dialog with Nerthus (Caverns) to properly offer a new dialog option after having visited the event on the ocean floor. NOTE: This final segment of conversation with Nerthus will lead to a new named ally joining your ranks.
  • Made some adjustments to rune ability damage. Big rune attacks will no longer rapidly destroy bosses but will do the damage they were intended to do.
  • Adjusted overpower attacks from Qhroth’un to now hit multiple enemies at once. It was feeling a little lackluster.
  • The new item comparison tooltip will now properly display equipped item stats.
  • Adjusted Hrotsvitha’s ranged attacks (flying books) to no longer push enemies off into the sunset.
  • Adjusted the global lighting in many stages. Allies and NPC’s were not being properly illuminated.
  • Fixed issue where dashing or jumping underwater would cause loss of control of the player.
  • Fixed issue with mounted horses causing loss of control of the player
  • Fixed issue with camera freezing in the prison reservoir
  • Fixed issue causing certain enemies to spam their death animations when executed
  • Fixed the levers in the cathedral library, they were not moving bookcases like they are supposed to.
  • Adjusted ally AI slightly to improve their ability to catch up to you when separated.
  • Fixed layering issues with tooltips
  • Added screen clamping to tooltips
  • Added comparison tooltip when looking at a piece of equipment that can replace something that you already have equipped.
New Stuff:
- Added Game controller support! The game should be able to detect and use nearly any controller that you have connected. NOTE: You will still need a mouse to click UI buttons or navigate the character menu. I will be adding full interface support in a later patch.
- Redesigned Maps! Now you have your world map like before but with new graphics and when you are in a dungeon (Prison, Cathedral ...etc) a second draggable map will appear showing you the dungeon layout.
- Fast travel! Visit Noraitha at the Ribe tavern if you haven't yet. Speaking to her for the first time will unlock a fast travel option that you can use from your world map to be instantly transported back to the tavern. Other locations will become available in future patches. NOTE: If you had already visited the tavern before this patch, you should already have the fast travel link activated. Just run your mouse over the Ribe icon on the world map.
- Fixed sound effect issues preventing weapon swing/hit sounds from playing their full duration or sometimes at all.
- More fixes for misc freezing during combat.
- Mounts now have sound effects
- Offhand items can now be found randomized like other gear.
- Added "Equip" and "Unequip" context options when clicking items in your inventory or equipped slots.
- NPC Dialog. Now the townsfolk you find walking around Ribe, the nuns wandering the halls of the Iron Abbey and the scribes in the cathedral library, can be interacted with for hints or idle chit-chat.

Some quick fixes:
- Fixed issue with equipped items disappearing.
- Fixed issue with enemy freezing during finishing moves, throws or combos.
- Boss re-summoning statues no longer require the artifact to engage.
- Thrown off-hand weapons will now work properly when crouching or jumping.
- Part 1 of 2: added full controller support. Next patch will include the UI to remap buttons.

Added the following graphics options:
- Full screen toggle
- Screen resolution selector
- Quality presets selector
- Texture quality selector
- VSync type selector
- New areas have been added even though their respective content will be coming in a later update. They are the Dark Woods, Gypsy Caravan (only one screen but will be an entire zone later on), and the Mountain Cliffs. These names are placeholders until I think of something better
- Many current zones have added mechanics. For example, the cathedral library has sliding bookcases that have to be moved to open the next screen, and the second bell tower now has ropes to allow climbing to it's top (where you can find another new artifact)
- Most Rune skills have been revamped. Now they have a main use (ie casting with full runic energy) and a passive ability tied to each one.
- Rune stones can be found throughout the game world that can be read to learn new runes. Unless of course you already have them from previous versions of the game. Check your rune tab to see what you already have.
- Item drops are now randomized with quality and enchantment variations.
- All boss fights have been massively revised, and are now repeatable (with the exception of Magda for now) by using the new "Stone of Relocation" artifact. Each boss has an updated loot table with rare drops that can be farmed if you so choose.
- Virtually ALL dialogs have been updated and a shit load more have been added. This also includes cut scenes at certain points in the game. I am still trying to figure out ways to tell various parts of this story that will not break pace or add confusion.
- The ability to throw enemies is now tied to a combo/aggression meter. Successful blows will fill the meter. At 3/4 of a bar you can perform a throw, attempting a throw with a full bar will perform the choke slam (insta-kill). These do not work on most bosses however.
- All Iron Abbey quest lines can be completed now, up to and including the boss battle with Agatha and Iron Mother. Winning this fight rewards a brand new sex scene.
- After the Iron Abbey conclusion there are a few new story events that will set up the next content update (0.2.0) which I am hard at work on.
not available
- Destructible junk in various rooms. Pots, boxes and even coffins for your wrecking pleasure. These will drop little health/power/sanity refills and sometimes consumables.
- Storage rooms are working now, check each one out to find items or keys (note that most doors that require keys are unlocked by default for now.)
- Weapons can now be equipped in either (and both) hands. Attacking will alternate between each hand making each weapon combination unique.
- 2 new sets of armor added to the game, 5 new weapons. Next update I will have an armory room added so you can try out everything available while the game is still in alpha.
- Many bug fixes for enemies, particularly the horrors. NO MORE REPLICATION!
- Several new rooms added. Flooded Passage (will be important soon), and the forest road to the cathedral.
- Level 1-0 "The Beginning" now has a small tutorial of sorts to highlight combat techniques that may not be obvious.
- Some new music added for certain rooms. Also added some sound effects to the Kara Aven prison sex scenario. The other sex scenes will get sounds in the next update.
- Various visual effects added to liven up the action a bit.
- For now I have filled the player inventory with a selection of weapons and armor for you to try out.
- City of Ribe added just after the sewers.
- Kara Aven's blacksmith shop added to Ribe. (Sex only for now, buying and selling items are coming soon)
- Sister of Iron guarding the Ribe exit will not let you pass (but has a nice consolation prize)
- Storage rooms added to secret path in the sewers (empty rooms for now but will contain loot and plot items soon)
- Reworked 2 enemies into new "infected" enemy types. These enemies will transform after being killed once. Killing them again will put an end to the nightmare.
View attachment 321435
View attachment 321434
Book of Korvald tells the saga of a Norse scribe, and his alliance with an eldritch entity named "Qhroth'un".

History does not tell us that Norse clans had scribes of their own. Their folklore is said to have been preserved through oral traditions exclusively, but this is not the truth. Many written sagas were damaging to the reputation of royal families and expository to the church. So these writings, along with their authors, were aggressively purged from existence. Korvald was one such scribe.
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View attachment 321432
Korvald's is not a tale of heroism and justice, but of deceit and suffering provoked by powerful religious empires and unseen cosmic forces. His story begins as so many are ended. Family slain and taken from his now destroyed village, Korvald is branded as a heretic and seemingly condemned to death. The true purpose of his capture and torment are part of a much bigger and far more sinister agenda. In his darkest hour, Korvald is approached by Qhroth'un and an agreement is made that will change everything...
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View attachment 321430
- Over 50 different female characters complete with sexual encounters. All raw, hot and fully animated.
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View attachment 321427
Maps / Environments / Areas:
- Each chapter takes place across an entire country, spanning over 30 areas. Starting in Denmark near the city of Ribe, drawing inspiration from the conversion to Christianity that took place around the 9th century in Scandinavia.

- 200+ different weapons to find or buy from various shops. Axes, Swords, Maces, Whips, Spears, Flails, Daggers, Shields, and Books (yes books).

- 30+ different artifacts and special off-hand weapons to equip. You could raise the dead Templar knights as zombie minions, inflict plagues on nearby enemies, and even cause certain NPCs (and even some enemies) to strip naked (because... why not?).

- Korvald will discover the true meaning and origin of runes and runestones. Utilizing his unique insight into this powerful language, he will gain the ability to harness many destructive and helpful forces. Unleash flaming cyclones, lightning storms, arctic blizzards, healing waters and even summon eldritch creatures to aid you in combat.
View attachment 321426
Even More To Behold
-A talent tree comprised of 15 different talents that you can customize
-Over 30 unique boss battles
-Minigames (fishing, farming, ale brewing, drinking contests, arena battles)
-A repeatable roguelike dungeon system
-Unlockable galleries for repeat viewing of cinematics and sex scenes
-Fully voiced characters
Not tried this game yet
The gameplay and plot are great, just sad that some sex and the preg are plot-related (cannot be repeated afterwards) and it feels that much of content(runes and companions) is cut from the game. Still, looking fowards to the sequel as the ending suggests.

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