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Adult games that disappointed you?


Feb 21, 2024
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Not trying to flame developers, or anything like that. Just a game that you were looking forwards to, but it ended up going to a different direction, creator leaving it, or any other reasons?

Mine was Milkly Touch. I absolutely loved the art style of the game, and the story was getting pretty good, but it was sadly rushed.
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Milfy City. It's extremely well polished and I enjoyed it a lot, but dev. vanishing for months on end sucked.. though that's not the main reason. Game is complete but it's unfinished and it feels like there's a good chunk of it missing. Which really sucks because it's a really nice nice game.. but apparently dev. decided to make DLCs instead of actually finishing what he started.
Milfy City. It's extremely well polished and I enjoyed it a lot, but dev. vanishing for months on end sucked.. though that's not the main reason. Game is complete but it's unfinished and it feels like there's a good chunk of it missing. Which really sucks because it's a really nice nice game.. but apparently dev. decided to make DLCs instead of actually finishing what he started.
I agree with your 100 percent. I appreciate the work of every member of that studio but man I finished they just kept working on it normally then what we got.
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All the abandoned game lol🤭
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Arenus. I've had so much hope for that game. I think it's actually kind of funny that the time that took for it to be completed i found myself a new job and bought a new PC to play it, just to be mid. :cry:
Acting Lessons, I found the decision you make at the end very forced, and it ruined the whole game for me.
Idk if you know Zoctongo but he makes 5 new games every year and abandons all of them, so probably everyone of his games
Divi-dead. The main story was pretty solid. It kept me going to see what would happen. It was the endings that felt rushed and didn't feel like it wrapped anything up, just brought the story to an end. The game mechanics were weird. The main mechanic for choosing between 2 main branches involves looking for a missing person. If you go to the rooftop no more than 3 times that night while going to the library at least 5 times, you get one route. Reverse the numbers and you get the other route. Or, something like that. It made no sense to me, and you only find that out from internet searches. There's nothing in the game to clue you in.
Milfy City. It's extremely well polished and I enjoyed it a lot, but dev. vanishing for months on end sucked.. though that's not the main reason. Game is complete but it's unfinished and it feels like there's a good chunk of it missing. Which really sucks because it's a really nice nice game.. but apparently dev. decided to make DLCs instead of actually finishing what he started.
True, if i recall correcly he did the same to one of his previous games too, he started it off with a premise, characters and overall tone that showed lots of promise, only to lose motivation and half-ass a conclusion.
Forbidden Basketball... the ending was rushed and dissapointing... :(
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I have to say Happy Summer, so much grinding and managing for a tiny tease. Ever so slowly edging you and then nothing, this is why folks just stay away till after many updates later. Take a quick peak, nothing meaningful is up yet. Okay ,try again in another few months and see.
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Game called Life freaking disappointing always grinding with no good results.
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Treasure of Nadia and Genesis Order. While these are good games, I just couldn't bring myself to continue after halfway through. They just feel like they're badly paced and not all comfy like Lust epidemic was.
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