hey iam making a visual novel the story of the project is 80 percent ready but iam not good at coding or making art so i wanted to release a game protoype as an intro version do you think thats a good idea or it will hurt the game reputation.
Depends on how much content there is in the prototype and how long it'll take you to put out the next version. Many avoid first updates if they don't have a lot of content in them.
For me, 5+ hours of content, an introduction to the main characters and a scene or two to get a flavor of the scenes. Plus the option, setup of the game should be flushed out well.
You can get away with it being relatively short if the art is really good. If the art isn't high quality, and there is no content, I don't see the point of having a short demo.
You can get away with it being relatively short if the art is really good. If the art isn't high quality, and there is no content, I don't see the point of having a short demo.